This is a long but very deep time of worship with 4 different types of worship elements (XL quills, 4yd streamer, regular swing flags, and 35×84 voi). You’ve seen these styles (or ones like them) before in Mantle of Elijah, Righteous Warfare, Prophetic Glory and You are My Hallelujah. Continue reading Quills, Streamers, Swing Flags, & Voi… Oh My!
Tag: streamer
Promises of God 3yd Streamer
A 3yd streamer called Promises of God – you’ve seen this style in a different pattern on a pair of swing flags too. I just LOVE the way streamers move and the designs they make when they’re in motion 🙂 Continue reading Promises of God 3yd Streamer
Courageous MW and Streamers
Love the vivid colors in the Courageous silks! Here you get to see the same Courageous style in a pair of MW quill wings and a pair of 3 yd streamers. The music is live from IHOP-KC. Enjoy!
Deep Worship 3yd Streamer
A 3 yd streamer in Deep Worship (a popular style), which you’ve seen many times before including my first in action photos from a customer, a scarf story, and a mis-matched dowel wing pair. I have always loved this style and as you’ll be able to tell from the video – I LOVE streamers! Continue reading Deep Worship 3yd Streamer
Righteous Warfare
Ready for a visual feast? How about the new Righteous Warfare style in a pair of regular and large swing flags, LFH (large flame-edged 8mm weight) quills (which are special order), a pair of 4yd streamers and a pair of 35×84 voi! Love this style in each of these worship tools 🙂 Continue reading Righteous Warfare
Amazed 3 yd Streamer Pair
A fun pair of 3 yd streamers called Amazed. This length streamer is great for anyone – it’s the size I keep my own church supplied with! It’s short enough for most kids to use, but long enough for adults to enjoy too 🙂 Continue reading Amazed 3 yd Streamer Pair
Church Full of Silk
Love seeing Dyed4you in action and in this church we definitely get to see just that! Loads of streamers (3 yd) and swing flags – which are the most durable worship elements we offer – so fun to see these being enjoyed 🙂 Continue reading Church Full of Silk
Dancing Sword Streamers
I LOVE streamers! This is a pair of 3 yd streamers called Dancing Sword (which is the silk used in the Dyed4you Art piece called Lively Sword). Love the graceful way they flow. These ended up going two different places, but I sure enjoyed demoing them together 😉 Continue reading Dancing Sword Streamers
Hanukkah Dance
I shared some video of Allissa using a pair of 3 yd streamers during our Hanukkah conference, and I also wanted to share the dance some of our ladies did that featured three of our 3 yd streamers: Deep Worship (Royal/Turquoise/Purple), Amazed (Fuchsia/Pink/Black/White) and Faith for the Impossible (Purple/White/Cobalt). Continue reading Hanukkah Dance
Allissa with a Pair of Streamers
A sweet moment from worship this past Friday during our Hanukkah conference! Allissa was using a mis-matched pair of 3 yard streamers – one called Every Captive Free and the other Bondage Breaker. Awesome moment I couldn’t resist sharing! Continue reading Allissa with a Pair of Streamers
Sukkot Flag Class
For the last 2 years, I’ve gotten the privilege of doing a class on flags during our time at Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). This year I managed to sneak a little video of folks using the flags after I’d demo’d them and talked about them and another friend got some pictures as well. Thought you all would enjoy! Continue reading Sukkot Flag Class
Joy Overflowing
In my last post I demoed a 3 yd streamer that was going to a 5 year old friend of mine called Joy Overflowing, well she LOVED it and has not put it down since! Her folks shared this video so we all could share in the moment too – you KNOW Abba is smiling at this precious little one 🙂 Continue reading Joy Overflowing
Joy Overflowing 3yd Streamer
This is a 3yd streamer called Joy Overflowing. It was created as a gift for a 5 yr old young lady at my church. I wish you could have seen her face when she saw it! She was SO excited and it was beautiful to see her worship with it. Hopefully I’ll get video at some point 🙂 Continue reading Joy Overflowing 3yd Streamer
Provided For L Quills Layered with MR
Loved getting to see this fun video with a pair of Dyed4you L quills called Provided For that Nickol has layered with a pair of white MR quills from Prophetic Worship Banners (as well as the streamers and billow which I presume are also from PWB). So beautiful! Continue reading Provided For L Quills Layered with MR
Faithful Streamer
Since two of her older siblings had been gifted some Dyed4you worship tools, this sweet youngin’ was THRILLED when Father released someone to gift her a 3 yd streamer. She LOVES it! And it’s been fun to watch her continue to grow in her worship 🙂 Continue reading Faithful Streamer
Last Dance from Feast of Trumpets Conference
This is last of the dances from Feast of Trumpets conference. You’ve seen the youth dance and (for lack of a better description) the grown up’s dance, now you get to see the PFT Angels (ie the kids) dance! You’ll see several streamers (two 4 yard ones which you’ve seen before and one special order 160″ one you’ve seen before also) as well as a special order 6 yard billow and a couple M quill flags – all that Dyed4you goodness mixed with some serious preciousness make this an enjoyable watch 😉 Continue reading Last Dance from Feast of Trumpets Conference
Streamer Pair
This was my first time using two streamers at once – and it looks BEAUTIFUL! This is a matching pair of 4 yard streamers. The mama of Dyed4you (watch the History of Dyed4you to understand the title), suggested using two in one hand and it DOES look beautiful! Continue reading Streamer Pair
Righteous One Streamers
Here I show you two streamers (first a 4 yard followed by the 3 yard) both in the Righteous One style. And yes, I am LOVING streamers! Father had me gift one this weekend on the only rod I have (I’ve ordered more but they haven’t arrived yet) and I thought He might have to pry it out of my hands! LOL 🙂 Continue reading Righteous One Streamers
Rainbow Streamer
This is a video of both a 3 yard and a 4 yard streamer in the same rainbow pattern. You will get to see me switch out which one is on the rod too – so you can see how easy it is. Continue reading Rainbow Streamer
Announcing Streamers
Thrilled to announce the the addition of 3 and 4 yard streamers! These are wonderful, lightweight worship tools that folks of all ages can enjoy 🙂 Continue reading Announcing Streamers