Fun hearing the reports back from July 12th’s International Flag Worship Day! I got one email from someone who drove around Rosamond, CA with two big purple flags hanging out her window followed by worship in her front yard 🙂 Continue reading International Flag Worship Day
Tag: swing flags
Silk Displays
It’s fun to see what people do with their silks – even when they aren’t in use! Seeing a 6×24 tied to a purse has become a common use, or around a stuffed animal, or 35×84s hanging on the wall, or even flags hanging on the wall – the ones you see below are swing flags with Hebrew lettering added.
Two Pairs of Swing Flags
Here Allissa is using two of her pairs of swing flags at once – Majesty of Heaven (purple and dark teal) and My Hiding Place (golden brown). It creates a really neat effect! The the wind picked up and she had to drop a pair 😉 Continue reading Two Pairs of Swing Flags
Powerful Flag Ministry
You all may remember this anointed young man from his last video and testimony about these swing flags. He’s shared another powerful ministry moment with us I know you’ll enjoy! Continue reading Powerful Flag Ministry
Preparing for the Bridegroom swing flags
This pair of splash-pattern swing flags is called Preparing for the Bridegroom. You’ve seen this style as a scarf and also in quills as well 🙂 Continue reading Preparing for the Bridegroom swing flags
Tearing Down Walls & Reconciliation
This is two different pairs of swing flags: one large pair called Tearing Down Walls and one regular pair called Reconciliation. Used together they are powerful! I have videos of each pair and one of each below 🙂 Continue reading Tearing Down Walls & Reconciliation
Word-for-Word Matching Word
This video is a pair of swing flags called His Heart in Battle (which you’ve seen before). So clear to see the anointing on this young man’s life to worship with flags! I know you guys will be blessed 🙂 Continue reading Word-for-Word Matching Word
Prepare the Way of the LORD
While Allissa was here I asked her to demo this beautiful pair of swing flags called Prepare the Way of the LORD. This is a new style – the Father birthed a good portion of the word through the customer! All about water and fire – so excited to hear the testimony! Continue reading Prepare the Way of the LORD
Wings of Refuge swing flags
While Allissa was visiting we took some time to shoot a bunch of video of her with all her new swing flags. If you’re wondering how she has so many, it’s because she special orders Dyed4you dyed yardage and then sews them herself 🙂 Continue reading Wings of Refuge swing flags
Introducing Large Swing Flags
I know I’ve given you a couple sneak peeks of the large swing flags (Breaking the Barrier and Beauty for Ashes), but now I am officially announcing these beautiful worship tools! Continue reading Introducing Large Swing Flags
Allissa with Cry of Freedom
You’ve seen another pair of the Cry of Freedom swing flags, this pair is Allissa’s that she sewed herself from some special order Dyed4you yardage 🙂
The music is from Ariel Henry – it’s a great album 😉 Continue reading Allissa with Cry of Freedom
Taking the Nations swing flags
This is a pair of swing flags called Taking the Nations. It’s going to a couple of friends who are dividing the pair 🙂
One of the friends is a missionary – let’s lift her in prayer as well as the intercession of BOTH of them as they war with these silks! Continue reading Taking the Nations swing flags
Holy Coverings
This is a quick testimonial from someone who has gotten several pairs of swing flags (which she also loves – when she used them at church someone came over to ask where she got her “pretty flags”), but in this order also got a beaded veil and a beaded tallit. Here’s what she shared about them after she received them: Continue reading Holy Coverings
Cry of Freedom swing flags
This is a pair of swing flags called the Cry of Freedom. Love the bold splashes of color mixed in with the blue and indigo 🙂 Continue reading Cry of Freedom swing flags
Set like a Flint silk ministry
This is a video I recorded a couple months ago and never managed to upload and post – so I’m sharing it now! In this video I’m using a pair of swing flags called Set like a Flint. I had WAY more difficulties with using the flags than I normally do (which is probably why I didn’t upload it when I shot it), but what I’ve realized is that even that ties in with the theme. Continue reading Set like a Flint silk ministry
Breaking the Barrier LARGE Swing Flags
My Facebook followers were all excited to see this pair in action and they are definitely a WOW! These are another sneak peek at the soon to be released LARGE swing flags 🙂
This pair is called Breaking the Barrier and the song is called Consuming Fire – enjoy! Continue reading Breaking the Barrier LARGE Swing Flags
Wings of Refuge swing flags
You got to see a quick clip of a 5mm semicircle (that was being made into 45″ round quills which hopefully you’ll see at some point) in this same style, which was used in the newest Dyed4you Art piece called Refuge after the silk style which is Wings of Refuge. Continue reading Wings of Refuge swing flags
His Heart in Battle swing flags
Love this pair of swing flags! I’d never done this style before and have since made 2 more pairs. It’s name is His Heart in Battle. Love the colors combos and the splash pattern is always fun 🙂 Continue reading His Heart in Battle swing flags
Holy Fire swing flags
This is a pair of Holy Fire swing flags – you’ve seen these as wings before too and swing flags too – but this pair has the fire going both away from the worshiper and towards them (one of each). They came out very cool! Continue reading Holy Fire swing flags
Dove Swing Flags
These swing flags are modeled after dove’s wings coming from the verse Mark 1:10 “And when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.” Continue reading Dove Swing Flags