This is a sneak peek at a new product, LARGE swing flags! This pair is called Beauty for Ashes. Stay tuned for more info 🙂 Continue reading Beauty for Ashes Large Swing Flags
Tag: swing flags
Allissa’s Swing Flags Tips-n-Tricks
Ever wonder how Allissa does the wheel with her swing flags? Here’s your chance to find out! In this video she shares a how-to on the wheel as well as a few other tips-n-tricks. Enjoy! Continue reading Allissa’s Swing Flags Tips-n-Tricks
Breaking the Barrier Swing Flags
You’ve seen this Breaking the Barrier style in a different pattern, but this time Father showed me these swing flags in this pattern with the yellow breaking forth down the middle 🙂
I made a similar pair for Allissa, which she will hopefully shoot some video of at some point 😉 Continue reading Breaking the Barrier Swing Flags
Sacrifice Custom-Sized Swing Flags
This is a custom-sized pair of swing flags called Sacrifice. They are lighter and move more “flowy” than regular swing flags. They are beautiful! Continue reading Sacrifice Custom-Sized Swing Flags
Mismatched Swing Flags
Allissa using her first pair of mismatched swing flags. Father showed her a red on for fire and a blue one for water, so what He had me make was a variety of Fire from the Throne of Heaven and River of Heaven. Continue reading Mismatched Swing Flags
Blessing & Breakthrough at Church
You’ve seen the Unabashed Praise swing flags before, but I made some again when Father put it on my heart for this lady to have one when she ordered a single swing flag. And He totally blessed her through it 🙂 Continue reading Blessing & Breakthrough at Church
Healing Flow swing flags
You’ve seen a pair of swing flags like this before, this is the swing flag pattern of Healing Flow (which you’ve seen as a scarf for a prayer team, giveaway scarf, multi-use wing, and quills), but this time I was led to add a bit of white to it and they look amazing in motion! Continue reading Healing Flow swing flags
Blessing in the Valley swing flag pair
The much awaited green/purple/gold swing flags pair video! These look great in motion (if I do say so myself) and I am shocked at how well I like the colors together! When the customer shared Father’s color download with me I admit I cringed… these are a great reminder He is smarter than I am 😉 Continue reading Blessing in the Valley swing flag pair
Come Away with Me swing flag pair
This fun pair of swing flags that look a little like a splattered rainbow when not in motion. They are called Come Away with Me and they make a big, bold visual impact! In general, swing flags are just fun to use 🙂 Continue reading Come Away with Me swing flag pair
Restoration Ministry
In this silk ministry I’m using a pair of Isaiah 54 swing flags. The focus of the intercession is to battle hopelessness, depression, and woundings from the enemy; bringing restoration, healing, hope, joy and to usher in the fulfillment of God’s promises (exactly the focus of the call Father confirmed through this style silk to another woman in the D4Y Community). Continue reading Restoration Ministry
Marriage Ministry
Here I’m ministering with a pair of swing flags called Guarding the Covenant. Those who know my personal marriage testimony know this is a topic I am passionate about! And when someone asked me if I would consider creating a marriage ministry video at the exact moment I had just finished these marriage swing flags and needed to demo them… well I felt Father’s hand at work. Continue reading Marriage Ministry
Healing Ministry
As I was on a conference call with my friends in the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries this morning, I found myself flagging over someone we were praying for. We were interceding for healing and the Father had me minister with a pair of swing flags I had set out to do a demo of called Healing Flow (which is a style you’ve seen before, but He had me create these in a new pattern).
Comparing Quills/Swing Flags/Voi
Just so you could have a quick place to understand the difference between the most popular types of flags we offer, I put together a quick video comparing quill flags, quill wings, swing flags and voi. Continue reading Comparing Quills/Swing Flags/Voi
Joshua in Worship
We’ve been blessed enough to get to peek into Joshua’s private worship time before, but it’s always a blessing to get to engage with worship 🙂
This is a swing flag called These 3 Remain and one that is homemade. Continue reading Joshua in Worship
Granddaughter in Worship
Just a quick picture of Tami’s swing flag being put to good use by her granddaughter who was having a blast worshiping the Lord with it! Please note the Dyed4you Art on the wall (here’s the testimony that went with the biggest piece) and the Dyed4you pillowcases on the bed 🙂
This is a Dyed4you room!!! Continue reading Granddaughter in Worship
Precious One Swing Flag Pair
A splash-style pair of swing flags called Precious One. These fun colors make a beautiful, bright splash of color. Enjoy the video!
BTW the music is my young friend Emily singing her original song 🙂 Continue reading Precious One Swing Flag Pair
IHOP Swing Flag Sighting
It’s always fun to see Dyed4you silk in action, and when one of the Dyed4you community has a scarf sighting it is EXTRA fun!
We had a comment come through yesterday on a scarf story from 2007 and in the comment she mentioned having seen Dyed4you swing flags being used in the Prayer Room at IHOP-KC at 5:30 am on the 18th. Immediately I was fairly certain I knew exactly which pair it was that she saw! Continue reading IHOP Swing Flag Sighting
Whole Swing Flag Pair
This pair of swing flags is called Whole. They move my heart and spirit in a way that I don’t think I can begin to express! They are going to someone who is interceding for something on the Father’s heart… can we agree with their prayers in the spirit? Continue reading Whole Swing Flag Pair
Clothed with Passion swing flags
This fun pair of swing flags look so cool in motion! They remind me of a ladies fan that is opened 🙂
It’s just a short video since my arms were tired from shooting the voi video – LOL! The music is Shane & Shane’s Worthy of Affection. Enjoy 🙂
Stirring Up the Gift
A fun testimonial about some swing flags (and a demo of them from when Allissa was here). This came from a man who was given a pair of swing flags as a gift from someone who was specifically prompted by the Father. I’ve removed the name of the gift giver for anonymity. Enjoy! Continue reading Stirring Up the Gift