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Beautiful Bat Mitzvah!

Here are a few picture of the amazing young women at our church that have chosen their path with Abba!!! We were so honored to have dyed scarves for those beautiful young ladies. Some of the styles were Righteous Warfare, Commissioned, Held in His hands, Shema, Healing in His Wings and a few more… you can find some of them in our popular styles or examples pages. And yessss, we can make those styles on any type of flag!!! Be it quill or swingflags or streamer veil or … Well, you get the point 😉  Continue reading Beautiful Bat Mitzvah!

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Piercing the Darkness M quills

I absolutely love watching Meghan worship… She makes it look so flawless and effortless! Those are a pair of M quills in the style of Piercing the Darkness. I was trying to find any other types of flags that we have dyed in this style but couldn’t find any. To me that only means it’s time for some wings or swing flags to be beautified in this style. The fact is that the more the merrier to Pierce the Darkness with the power of our God! 🙂 Continue reading Piercing the Darkness M quills

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Ablaze with Glory Swing Flags

This is one of our popular styles and every time we recreate it, it comes out unique and gorgeous every single time! Pretty sure it’s only because Holy Spirit is dyeing it… We’ve made this amazing style not only on Swing Flags but also as Quill Flags, Scarves, Streamers and Voi Flags. Besides it’s always super sweet watching Meghan flag like only she can 😉 Continue reading Ablaze with Glory Swing Flags

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A beautiful Testimony

I received this amazing email a few weeks ago and simply can’t keep it for myself any longer as I feel how much it will touch and encourage others to have Faith and trust in HIS perfect timing!!!! She had some swing flags, MW quills in Trained Hands, a L veil in Mantle of Favor and many more to list of now but those are the ones  that were in this package. I’m including pictures of what she received 🙂

Continue reading A beautiful Testimony

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Poured Out Large swing flags

You get to see once again how beautiful Meghan worships with a Large pair of swing flags in the Poured Out style. We have some popular styles  and trying to keep most of our other styles updated. I haven’t found any quill flags, veils or streamers that were dyed in this style in our data base so I’m thinking it’s definitely time to change that 🙂 Continue reading Poured Out Large swing flags

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Breakthrough in Worship (Scarfless Scarf Story)

20140328-034510.jpgIt always blesses me to hear of the times people are blessed simply by online contact with our ministry. Yes, we sell product, but more importantly our desire is to help people breakthrough in new levels of intimacy with the Lord whether that be in worship, prayer, etc. Though I know it happens, it grieves me to hear when the church is responsible for shutting people down. Continue reading Breakthrough in Worship (Scarfless Scarf Story)

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Crown of Glory Swing Flags

CalebPolingThese are a beautiful pair of regular-sized swing flags called Crown of Glory. You’ve seen them before when Larisa made a demo video with them (see that here). Always love getting to see silks with their recipients! And praise God for a man worshiping with flags – can I get an amen? If I remember this young man was inspired by our friend Caleb – just shows how much impact we can have when we step out in obedience. Continue reading Crown of Glory Swing Flags

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Righteous Warfare L Swing Flags

RighteousWarfareLSwingFlagsThis is a large pair of swing flags called Righteous Warfare. You’ve seen this style before, but the pattern in these was unique so we wanted to share them again along with the testimony that just arrived from the recipient! Continue reading Righteous Warfare L Swing Flags

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Ruffled, Rounded Swing Flag

RuffledSwingLove this newest Dyed4you inspiration! This is a ruffled, rounded swing flag (this particular one is dyed in the Glory style). This is a special order item at present. It basically is a rounded swing flag with insets sewn in to give a beautiful ruffle that adds a flutter in motion. Love this! Continue reading Ruffled, Rounded Swing Flag

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Fear Not L Quills

FearNotLToday is a day where this silk needs to be declared aloud! (And apparently great minds think alike because after this post was written I discovered Meghan created a “Whom Shall I Fear” Dyed4you Art piece late last night that will be released soon!) You have seen Meghan with a pair of L swing flags in this style before and also 11×60 scarf that a sweet lady was gifted with. This is a pair of L quill flags that are dyed in a bit of a different pattern. Continue reading Fear Not L Quills

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Promises of God Quills

PromisesofGod-quillsThese bright, colorful beauties are the Promises of God in both M and L sized quill flags. You’ve seen this style before in a couple different patterns as swing flags (same pattern as these, different pattern) and as a 3 yd streamer. In the videos below I (Meghan) am using the M pair and Larisa is using the L pair. Continue reading Promises of God Quills

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Feeling Covered by Blessing

CoveredByBlessingMWLet me start by apologizing because yesterday I realized that it has been over six months since I’ve posted a scarf story. That’s embarrassing because it is not like I don’t have any to share, I hadn’t had time to do it and now that I have time I have so many to dig through – it’s a tad overwhelming. Among the scarf stories I have to share are several from me, which again is embarrassing because sharing my own stories isn’t that difficult – so again, my apologies! Continue reading Feeling Covered by Blessing

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AJ with L Quill Wings

AJ-LwingsYou all with enjoy these anointed videos someone nabbed with their phone of our friend AJ during worship!  He’s using a LW quill called Under His Wings and a LWH quill called Waves of Increase. If you haven’t gotten to enjoy any of AJ’s worship before here he is with swing flags and here he is with a variety of worship tools. Also you won’t want to miss his scarf story about breakthrough among the youth! Continue reading AJ with L Quill Wings

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Child with a Swing Flag

ComeAwaywithMe-childThis is too cute not to share this video of a child with a regular sized swing flag. I believe this one is Come Away with Me, and if I’m correct you’ve seen demos of this one before (like this one). One of the reasons I love swing flags is because they don’t have a rod in them, a child like this can grab it and worship to her heart’s content without the parent having to be concerned about injury to her child or anyone else! Continue reading Child with a Swing Flag

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Joyful Praise Swing Flags & PWB Quills

Kayla-joyfulpraiseA beautiful video of someone you’ve seen before who has been such a blessing to me personally. In this video – which was shot live during a recent church service – we see her first using a pair of regular swing flags called Joyful Praise (you’ve seen this style before – me demoing swing flags, as M quill flags, as an 8×54, and as a pair of voi) and then she uses a vivid pair of XL quill flags from Prophetic Worship Banners. Continue reading Joyful Praise Swing Flags & PWB Quills