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Crown of Glory swing flags

CrownOfGloryA beautiful pair of regular swing flags called Crown of Glory. We’ve actually seen this style done before in a post called Change Your Atmosphere. The pattern is a little bit different than the last time we made these, but I love the way these silks look when they move! The music is Misty Edwards live from IHOP-KC. Continue reading Crown of Glory swing flags

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Meghan’s Flag Bag

FlagBagAs promised to my friends on our Facebook page, here is a video where I show you what I have in my portable arsenal – aka my flag bag!Β  Swing flags in all three sizes, streamers, streamer veils, and quills gallore – most from Dyed4you, but also a couple from sister ministries Prophetic Worship Banners and Unhindered & Unashamed. I’m hoping some of YOU will reciprocate and show us what is in YOUR flag bag too! Continue reading Meghan’s Flag Bag

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Transformed round swing flags

TransformedRoundSwingHERE THEY ARE!!! We decided to create round swing flags and they came out simply amazing! This style is called Transformed and you probably have seen it in XLR quills before. Here you will see Meghan worship with them at our church Passion for Truth and they have a feel and look of wings πŸ™‚ Continue reading Transformed round swing flags

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Every captive free L swing flags

EveryCaptiveFreeLswingIn this video you see Meghan with a beautiful pair of L swing flags called Every captive free. I’ve been trying to find different silks dyed this style in our archives but all I found was a video from our last Sukkot (Feast of tabernacles) in 2012 during flag class. It’s with a pair of regular size swing flags used by Matt, who is also part of our PFT family. Continue reading Every captive free L swing flags

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M Quills Isaiah 54

M-i54Here you will get to see beautiful Meghan demo a pair of M quill flags. I’ve been looking to through all our blogs toΒ  try and find other versions of Isaiah 54 in swing flags and streamers hopefully but couldn’t. I’m trying to be patient with myself until I figure this whole system out and how to discover info even if it doesn’t show up. I actually just send off a streamer and a L pair of quills recently. Now I wish I would’ve taken a demo video of them. Continue reading M Quills Isaiah 54

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Pastor Jim with Faithful banner flag

PastorJim_FaithfulThese videos are from a live worship service at Passion for Truth, Pastor Jim had been prompted by the Father to grab the rainbow banner flag – he actually shared a bit about his exchange with the Father for the congregation. Without knowing the name of the silk, Father was reminding him of His promises and how He is faithful to fulfill His word. Little did he know the name of the flag he was holding was Faithful πŸ™‚ Continue reading Pastor Jim with Faithful banner flag

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Swing flags Joy comes in the morning

JoyComes-SwingFlagsIn this video you can see Meghan with these beautiful swing flags called Joy comes in the morning! You probably have seen the beaded Tallit version before on Meghan. It’s so precious to see how different yet so alike every silk is in it’s individual beauty … From the scarves to the quill flags or even our streamers. The Father has His unique touch in all of them πŸ™‚ Continue reading Swing flags Joy comes in the morning

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Under His Wings LW Quill

Larisa-LW-UnderHisWingsIn these videos, you’ll see me using my LW (large wing) quill called Under His Wings (which is one of our popular styles) and my very favorite flag! We’ve seen this style before – Meghan has it in a dowel wing, we’ve seen it as an 8mm semicircle voi,Β  and it even appeared as one of the demo silks in our Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves. The videos below were taken during a live service at Passion for Truth (PFT). You will also see some Dyed4you swing flags in the background as well a Prophetic Worship Banner quill and streamers from both ministries πŸ™‚ Continue reading Under His Wings LW Quill

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Covered by Blessing swing flags

CoveredByBlessingHere we’re demoing a pair of regular sized swing flags called Covered by Blessing. You’ve seen these swing flags before in the hands of a warrior – her scarf story to go with them was a fun one so you may want to revisit it!Β  The music is from Ariel Henry (live in the Destiny Church Prayer Room).

There is a sense of promise, protection and covering with this silk. YHVH’s (God’s) hand covering. His blessing covering. Continue reading Covered by Blessing swing flags

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Paints, Quills, and More

Tawna-contestThis is another video that was entered in the MR Quill Giveaway. She actually demos not only a mismatched pair of Dyed4you M quill flags called Spirit & Truth (which you’ve seen before), but some swing flags made by our friend Caleb (she refers to them as throw flags), and a scarf made by Rachel (who I’m not familiar with). Continue reading Paints, Quills, and More

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Lil Man with a Swing Flag

Isaiah-everycaptivefree-swingflagEver wonder how old someone has to be to use swing flags? Well my friend here is 2.5 yrs old – so know that because there’s no rods in swing flags they can be used by folks of all ages! This flag is called Every Captive Free (yep – just like the giveaway quills I posted last week!). See his daddy using the flags here πŸ™‚

Continue reading Lil Man with a Swing Flag