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Happy Man Dance

George-PassionFireWe got to hear this man’s testimony a little over a year ago along with a demo video of these Passion Fire swing flags (read the story and see the demo). Today we get to enjoy a quick video of him during a recent worship moment and oh what JOY to see!  The video is titled the Happy Man Dance – you will see why – LOL 🙂 Continue reading Happy Man Dance

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Introducing Large & Light Swing Flags

LLswingWe’re officially launching a new product called the Large & Light Swing Flags!  These are the same size as our large swing flags, but are made out of 5mm china silk instead of 8mm like the regular and large are.  That means they are lightweight and floaty – a slow flag – great for intimate devotion time! Continue reading Introducing Large & Light Swing Flags

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Righteous Warfare

Ready for a visual feast? How about the new Righteous Warfare style in a pair of regular and large swing flags, LFH (large flame-edged 8mm weight) quills (which are special order),  a pair of 4yd streamers and a pair of 35×84 voi! Love this style in each of these worship tools 🙂 Continue reading Righteous Warfare

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XLR Quills and 14×72 Stonewashed Silk

Joshua using a pair of XLR quill flags called Transformed (you’ve seen him with these before) during their church service while he’s wearing a 14×72 stonewashed silk called Hunger & Thirst.  You can also see his Holy Fire swing flags on the table in the foreground 😉 Continue reading XLR Quills and 14×72 Stonewashed Silk

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Co-Mingling Anointings

You all may remember Andrea from my previous post about why it matters who makes your flags. Father had us bless each other with some flags again – He loves co-mingling the anointings of different ministries (“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!” Ps 133:1). Continue reading Co-Mingling Anointings

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Sukkot Flag Class

For the last 2 years, I’ve gotten the privilege of doing a class on flags during our time at Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).  This year I managed to sneak a little video of folks using the flags after I’d demo’d them and talked about them and another friend got some pictures as well.  Thought you all would enjoy! Continue reading Sukkot Flag Class

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Breakthrough in Worship among Youth

You all may remember seeing AJ before with his swing flags (1st video, 2nd video), which also make a brief appearance in this video… but mostly this video is His pair of 35×84 voi called Prophetic Glory. He also takes the silk off and uses it as a wing as well as dancing with it – all beautiful! Continue reading Breakthrough in Worship among Youth

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Fear Not

You got to see a pair of Fear Not swing flags a while back, well this is an 11×60 silk that was created at the same time.  I’ve nicknamed this style the “fear buster” 🙂

She received this as a gift and was very blessed by it! It is a great tangible reminder that we have not been given a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind! Continue reading Fear Not

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Change Your Atmoshpere

This pair of swing flags people fell in love with on our  Dyed4you Facebook page and I just shared another story about them – they’re called Crown of Glory.  I wanted you to see them in motion too, but since the first video is mobile phone quality I also added the demo one I took for you could see it too. 🙂 Continue reading Change Your Atmoshpere

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Glory & Healing Anointing

This is a neat story about a pair of swing flags being used at a ladies retreat (video of flags will follow shortly).  There were also several scarves given as gifts at the retreat so we may hear more stories, but in the mean time this is a good one! Continue reading Glory & Healing Anointing