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How-To Pick YOUR Quill

In case you hadn’t noticed, I am in love with quills!  I still love my swing flags, simple flags and voi too; but quills have become a bit of an addiction. You see of all the flags Dyed4you carries, quills are the easiest to pick up and use if you have never flagged before, but they also are wonderful if you’re very skilled with them. (View a quick comparison of our most popular flags or view other comparison posts) Continue reading How-To Pick YOUR Quill

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Granddaughter in Worship

Just a quick picture of Tami’s swing flag being put to good use by her granddaughter who was having a blast worshiping the Lord with it!  Please note the Dyed4you Art on the wall (here’s the testimony that went with the biggest piece) and the Dyed4you pillowcases on the bed 🙂

This is a Dyed4you room!!!  Continue reading Granddaughter in Worship

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IHOP Swing Flag Sighting

It’s always fun to see Dyed4you silk in action, and when one of the Dyed4you community has a scarf sighting it is EXTRA fun!

We had a comment come through yesterday on a scarf story from 2007 and in the comment she mentioned having seen Dyed4you swing flags being used in the Prayer Room at IHOP-KC at 5:30 am on the 18th. Immediately I was fairly certain I knew exactly which pair it was that she saw! Continue reading IHOP Swing Flag Sighting

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Stirring Up the Gift

A fun testimonial about some swing flags (and a demo of them from when Allissa was here). This came from a man who was given a pair of swing flags as a gift from someone who was specifically prompted by the Father. I’ve removed the name of the gift giver for anonymity. Enjoy! Continue reading Stirring Up the Gift

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More from Mt Shasta

As promised, more of Allissa with her swing flags, and actually there’s more coming too. 😉

Hopefully you heard the story in the previous Mt Shasta post, and saw the video of Allissa and her friend BOTH worshiping with their Dyed4you silks (and if you miss it, you’ll wanna go back and check it out!) – now here’s some stunning pics and a short video of these swing flags. Enjoy! Continue reading More from Mt Shasta

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Worship on Mt Shasta

Someone gave this sweet lady a 5mm semicircle wing as a gift, and she was so blessed by it! It’s a style that is near and dear to my heart because of my own scarf story with it.

These pics and videos are from a trip to Mt Shasta where she was worshiping with her wing (and a second plain white one they made so she could have a pair) and Allissa with her swing flags. (And more of Allissa with the swing flags is coming later) 😉 Continue reading Worship on Mt Shasta