I’m sharing this video both as Dyed4you wanting you to see one of our 4yd streamers (called Diadema Eleos or Crowned with Mercy) from Dyed4you Readymade in action AND as a recipient of the ministry these beautiful ladies were giving. Continue reading Ministry for Women Who’ve Miscarried or Lost Children
Tag: touched
Spot On Word
Testimonies are always encouraging, but this one comes from a friend I hadn’t seen in a while and out of the blue Papa God told me to gift her a crinkle silk (technically two – one was for her to gift so I don’t know the testimony on that yet). This blessed me greatly and I hope it will you too – such a good reminder to hear and obey! And that gifting silk is a fun thing to do 😉 Continue reading Spot On Word
Confirmation of Dream
A woman received a crinkle silk called Reflecting His Face as a gift, and when she read the word it was a total confirmation for her and she was so blessed by it. You see a day or two earlier she’d had a dream about being in the fire – and there were details Father shared with her – and the letter that came with her silk was about His refining fire and brought confirmation and encouragement during this trying time for her. God is so awesome! Continue reading Confirmation of Dream
God Answering Her Questions
Recently, I had someone order a scarf for someone who is Russian and speaks no English. I have a Facebook friend who is Russian – someone I had never met before, but was acquainted with through mutual friends because she is part of our online church family – and so I contacted her and asked if she would translate for me, which she was happy to do. As a thank you, Father instructed me to send her a silk of her own 🙂
Wrecked by His Love
You’ve seen this beautiful pair of 45″ quill flags before when my sister demo’d them. Now you get to read the wonderful scarf story and see the recipient worship with them herself 🙂
She also shares this story on her blog if you want to visit there too! Continue reading Wrecked by His Love
Weeping at God’s Goodness
I never get tired of emails like these 🙂
Thank you so very much for the custom Breakthrough scarf I received today. It is beautiful and it is ME! If there had been 100 scarves in a room, I would have selected this one. Continue reading Weeping at God’s Goodness
Blessed by How God Sees Her
Loved hearing this story of the Lord using silk as a way to witness to someone who needs to know the love of God!
Just wanted to let you know something truly amazing that happened today! I had ordered a small prayer cloth sized prophetically dyed scarf to wear as a bracelet. After I ordered I was being kinda hard on myself. I felt inadequate. The scarf came in and it was called Godly Beauty. Continue reading Blessed by How God Sees Her
Perfect Gift for Mom
A sweet testimony about a gift a daughter got for her mom – it was a Dyed4you Art printcard of Wait Upon the Lord, a coordinating 14×72 scarf complete with gift bag, and the Scent of Heaven Wait Upon the Lord oil.
Today my mom unwrapped her anointed scarf!! Since we got it early in the mail – it has been a major temptation for us not to look at it, but we resisted and waited for her to open it today. What a dynamic word for her and for our family as a whole. Continue reading Perfect Gift for Mom
Gift from a Stranger
I love getting to share this story with you all because it demonstrates one of the reasons I love the Dyed4you community so much! Continue reading Gift from a Stranger
Perfect “Queen Esther”
Burying Scarves
In the last couple weeks, two people have contacted me to tell me that loved ones that had died were buried with their Dyed4you scarves. In both cases there was some sweet memory attached to the scarf that was precious enough for these people to want to keep these little pieces of silk with them (until Jesus returns – hallelujah!). Continue reading Burying Scarves