This is a pair of 35×84 voi called Emissary of Light. You’ve actually seen this style before as voi in a different pattern (and as a semicircle wing/voi combo). Its always fun to see the change up when Father says “make it this way” – they are beautiful and vibrant 🙂 Continue reading Emissary of Light Voi
Tag: voi/poi
Quills, Streamers, Swing Flags, & Voi… Oh My!
This is a long but very deep time of worship with 4 different types of worship elements (XL quills, 4yd streamer, regular swing flags, and 35×84 voi). You’ve seen these styles (or ones like them) before in Mantle of Elijah, Righteous Warfare, Prophetic Glory and You are My Hallelujah. Continue reading Quills, Streamers, Swing Flags, & Voi… Oh My!
Righteous Warfare
Ready for a visual feast? How about the new Righteous Warfare style in a pair of regular and large swing flags, LFH (large flame-edged 8mm weight) quills (which are special order), a pair of 4yd streamers and a pair of 35×84 voi! Love this style in each of these worship tools 🙂 Continue reading Righteous Warfare
Proclaimer Voi
A single 35×84 voi (veiled poi) called Proclaimer – a silk you’ve seen several times before: with Madison (first time, second time) and also as a confirmation for another customer 🙂 Continue reading Proclaimer Voi
Breakthrough in Worship among Youth
You all may remember seeing AJ before with his swing flags (1st video, 2nd video), which also make a brief appearance in this video… but mostly this video is His pair of 35×84 voi called Prophetic Glory. He also takes the silk off and uses it as a wing as well as dancing with it – all beautiful! Continue reading Breakthrough in Worship among Youth
Doohans at Disney
Some of you may remember the Doohan Sisters who went to Israel with Kim Clement last year. We shared pictures and video of them worshiping while they were there (and practicing as well). This time they were using their 5mm semicircle voi during a performance at Disney 🙂 Continue reading Doohans at Disney
Staking Their City
This is a fun story about a prayer journey a group of kids went on equipped with a single M (35″ petite) quill for each of them! We hear the story shared by one of the parents (and a quick not from her son) and the gift giver (and youth leader). Lots of pictures to enjoy – you can feel the Father smiling at His children! Continue reading Staking Their City
International Flag Worship Day
Fun hearing the reports back from July 12th’s International Flag Worship Day! I got one email from someone who drove around Rosamond, CA with two big purple flags hanging out her window followed by worship in her front yard 🙂 Continue reading International Flag Worship Day
Ohio Trip Silk
I realized I never shared some of the silken shots and video from my visit to Ohio in March! You’ve already seen “my room” from where I was staying – but here are some of the pictures and videos from other portions of the trip! Continue reading Ohio Trip Silk
My Voi
I just made myself a pair of 35×84 voi – the word is still being birthed but I do love them! Their color inspiration came from Passion Fire only plum has been added… eager to hear what Holy Spirit downloads on them 🙂 Continue reading My Voi
Pair of Voi
This beautiful pair of 35×84 voi still have the word being birthed so I don’t know the name yet, but wanted to share them anyhow because they are beautiful in action 🙂 Continue reading Pair of Voi
Breaking the Barrier voi
You have seen a multiple renditions of this Breaking the Barrier style in both regular swing flags and the new large swing flags. Here it is as a 35×84 voi 🙂 Continue reading Breaking the Barrier voi
Dwelling in His Beauty Voi
You’ve seen this beautiful Dwelling in His Beauty style in swing flags by both Allissa and myself, as a scarf, and as a wing (and tomorrow you’ll see it as a beaded veil… but I digress) 😉
These are 35×84 with a pair of voi weights. No matter what I’m making in this style, I always seem to love it! Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading Dwelling in His Beauty Voi
Bold Passion Streamer Poi
This is another pair of the special order Streamer Poi. These come in pairs and in price they run about the same as a pair of voi weights and two 35×84 silks (a standard voi set). For those who like bloopers, I intentionally left it unedited so you can see me hit myself 3 times – you can see I don’t flinch at all because they didn’t hurt 🙂 Continue reading Bold Passion Streamer Poi
Emissary of Light wing/voi combo
This is a fun, bright wing/voi combo made up of two 5mm semicircles with wings seams added to both and a pair of voi weights. I confess that tired arms (and not wanting to smack the dog) impaired my ability to get better video, but you get the idea 😉 Continue reading Emissary of Light wing/voi combo
Streamer Poi (Voi)
Most of the time when I come up with a new product it’s one of YOU who thinks of it and I just design it. These special order streamer poi are no exception!
They’re similar to our voi, but the silks are long and narrow like a streamer. The weights are lighter than voi which makes them light and easy to use (and also less of a problem when they hit you! LOL). Continue reading Streamer Poi (Voi)
Pressing in with Space to do it
Anyone who flags knows nothing is quite so lovely as wide open spaces where you can let loose without any concerns about whacking someone (or something)! You’ve seen Shannon with her Gaze Upon His Face voi before, and she shared her scarf story earlier too. In this video, she is just worshiping her heart out with space to do so 🙂 Continue reading Pressing in with Space to do it
Comparing Quills/Swing Flags/Voi
Just so you could have a quick place to understand the difference between the most popular types of flags we offer, I put together a quick video comparing quill flags, quill wings, swing flags and voi. Continue reading Comparing Quills/Swing Flags/Voi
Another Pair of Already Paid Voi
You may be wondering why I’m posting another video of a 35×84 voi pair called Already Paid. The first video had the weights on the orange side which made the blue dominant when spinning. This one has blue weights so you’ll notice the orange is more dominant. I just thought it was fun for you to see how much of a difference it makes 🙂 Continue reading Another Pair of Already Paid Voi
River of Heaven Wing/Voi Pair
This pair of 5mm semicircles with wing seams and voi weights was inspired by Rick Pino’s song I can hear the sound” – they’re named River of Heaven.
You can tell I was worn out when I demo’d these, but they were too beautiful not to share 🙂 Continue reading River of Heaven Wing/Voi Pair