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Beckoned LWH

BeckonedLWHYou got to see this quill wing briefly in the LWH / XLW comparison we posted a couple weeks ago, but here you get to see it in action.  We actually got to hear from the woman who received this (she got it as a gift for her church – as well as receiving a little extra thank you silk from Abba) – here’s her quick testimonial: Continue reading Beckoned LWH

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Introducing the MWH

MWHExcited to officially introduce a new quill product, the MWH (medium wing heavy), which just means it’s the 8mm weight rather than the “normal” (for quills) 5mm weight. I LOVE these quills!  I know I’ve done sneak peeks on the soon to be officially announced LWH, but this slightly smaller size (view size comparison between the large and medium here) is so easy to use 🙂 Continue reading Introducing the MWH

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How-to Choose between LWH & XLW

LWH-XLWI know I have yet to officially announce the LW/LWH quills, but you’ve seen them a couple times before (in a demo comparing the LW and MW quill size and as a centerpiece in a worship presentation). Despite not being officially announced yet, they are available on our quill page so I thought a comparison between the large and XL size wings would be helpful. Continue reading How-to Choose between LWH & XLW

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Sukkot Flag Class

For the last 2 years, I’ve gotten the privilege of doing a class on flags during our time at Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).  This year I managed to sneak a little video of folks using the flags after I’d demo’d them and talked about them and another friend got some pictures as well.  Thought you all would enjoy! Continue reading Sukkot Flag Class

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Sealed MW Quills

Some of you may remember seeing Amanda dance with two mis-matched wings, one of which was in the Sealed style like these (if you haven’t seen it – trust me GO SEE IT!) and as much as I loved my Sealed wing – having it as an altered dowel wing wasn’t my favorite.  So now to have them in MW Quills is like HEAVEN!!!  Continue reading Sealed MW Quills

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Revelation of the Hidden Things LWH (8mm) Quills

This is a fun special order quill – it’s the LWH (large wing heavy, which means it’s in the 8mm weight) Quill. This pair is called Revelation of the Hidden Things.  As you know I love MW Quills, but I thoroughly enjoyed using these slightly larger and heavier weight quill wings (that have a heavier quill)! The first video demos the wings and the second compares it to the MW Quills so you can see the difference. Continue reading Revelation of the Hidden Things LWH (8mm) Quills

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How-To Pick Which Flag is Best for You

I’ve been wanting to create a Flag Comparison page for a long while to make it easier for you to know which flag is right for YOU 🙂  This video compares 8 flagging products (listed below). Continue reading How-To Pick Which Flag is Best for You

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4 y-o Spontaneous Worship for Jesus

Prepare yourself for a LOT of cuteness here!  This is a pair of MW quills (medium wing quills) called Passion for His Glory – you may have seen my demo a few days ago.

Here we have several videos, the first is 4 year old Maddy singing a spontaneous worship song to Jesus, then Mom (Amanda) using her wings, and finally Maddy singing a song to me (Meghan)… let’s just say she is a BIG fan of Dyed4you! LOL 🙂 Continue reading 4 y-o Spontaneous Worship for Jesus

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Passion for His Glory Wings

A stunning pair of MW quills (medium wing – aka standard – quills) called Passion for His Glory.  When I first “saw” the purple and orange in my head I thought it would be horrible – LOL!  Boy was I wrong!!!

Then He confirmed it when I discovered my Prophetic Team Lead had seen the same thing in a dream! God is so good 🙂 Continue reading Passion for His Glory Wings

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Small Wings (with blooper)

These are a special order size of small quill wings called The Voice. Unlike the current quill flags and wings, these have a serged edge instead of a hand-rolled, hand-sewn edge; however, since these are used in worship and not worn it doesn’t make a difference because when it’s in motion you can’t tell anyhow 🙂 Continue reading Small Wings (with blooper)

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Shavuot Services at PFT

In honor of Shavuot (Pentecost), my church (Passion for Truth) had a Shabbat meal and worship service on Friday followed by our normal weekly service Saturday that was focused on celebrating the last spring feast. I confess it made my heart smile to see how many Dyed4you silks were being WORN in addition to be used in worship! Continue reading Shavuot Services at PFT

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PFT Ministry Moment

This was a precious moment when some folks at my church (Passion for Truth) were receiving ministry at the altar and one of the kids was brought into the dance circle to minister  with my Fragrant Offering altered quill wing. This was literally the first time she’s ever used a quill wing and I put it in her hand about 30 second before she got pulled into the middle bless her heart!  She did wonderfully!!! She has such a sweet anointing as she dances with silk 🙂 Continue reading PFT Ministry Moment

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Wings of Refuge altered quill wings

These beautiful Altered Quill Wings are in the Wings of Refuge style (like the swing flags I posted yesterday). The music is by Allissa.You have heard one of her pieces before, but what you don’t know is what you’re hearing is the beginnings of Dyed4you Music 🙂 Continue reading Wings of Refuge altered quill wings