Becky likes to wear her scarf as a head covering as she leads worship and prays in accordance with 1 Corinthians 11:5, “And any woman who [publicly] prays or prophesies (teaches, refutes, reproves, admonishes, or comforts) when she is bareheaded dishonors her head (her husband); it is the same as [if her head were] shaved.” Continue reading His Breath
Tag: worship
Covered by His Feathers
One day I got an email from our contact page from a former YWAM (Youth with a mission) missionary:
The Lord led me to your website yesterday in quite an amazing way. He has led me to begin dancing before Him with scarves in the privacy of my home during my intimate times with Him. Continue reading Covered by His Feathers
Big Sky / King’s Daughter
In addition to worshiping and interceding with her scarves, Christina has also found they make lovely window dressings. Continue reading Big Sky / King’s Daughter
Royal Priesthood
Meghan enjoys worshiping with 5mm China Silk banner flags in both the 45×108 size and the custom 55×108 size with a flag seam added. Here you see her with a special order size 55×108 banner flag called Royal Priesthood at GHOP (Gateway House of Prayer). Continue reading Royal Priesthood
Declaring the Word of the Lord
Dancing with “It is Finished”
Stephanie enjoys using her veil as a prayer shawl – wrapping herself in it as she steps into the secret place. And if no one but God is looking… one might even find her dancing with it in worship to our King. Continue reading Dancing with “It is Finished”
Worshiping in Deep Worship
Joy likes to wear her scarf when she is leading worship Continue reading Worshiping in Deep Worship
Deep Worship
The images that inspired the whole “In Action” concept 🙂
Beth likes to use her scarf for worship and intercession – she particularly enjoys getting under it in quiet moments with the Lord. Continue reading Deep Worship