Love this custom-sized (55″x90″) banner flag called the Voice of the Lord! This was a gift for the “mother” of Dyed4you (hear the history of Dyed4you) and she put it immediately to good use by worshipping with it during corporate worship (at Gateway:61). Hope you enjoy this little sneak peek into a beautiful moment of worship 🙂 Below you’ll also find a couple other videos of this flag in action. It’s letter is posted over on my personal blog if you’re interested (Silk: The Voice of the Lord)! Continue reading The Voice of the Lord Banner
Tag: worship
Beautiful to Worship With
It’s always wonderful to get positive feedback from you all in the Dyed4you Community, and it’s great to hear you understanding and embracing both venues you can get silk through: our custom order site (this one – Dyed4you) and our new Etsy store (Dyed4you Readymade). Both bring you beautiful silks as this customer below shares about her pair of RSW (regular swing wings): Continue reading Beautiful to Worship With
How-To Flag
Given how many posts we have with video upon video of flags in action, it is hard to believe we’ve never put together a post like this before! We have our Basics of Using Quills, which is a simple how-to. And we have our How-To Use Swing Flags post as well as the more advanced moves in our Tips-n-Tricks post. We have how-tos on using a banner flag, using a wing, using voi, and even on dancing with silks. But what we didn’t have was basic diagrams for some flag movements. Continue reading How-To Flag
Tied together
This young man placed an order with us for a couple of scarves and this is the beautiful testimony he had to share shortly after. Abba is just so amazing in how he uses every one of us in HIS and OUR unique way. Let’s never let our gender get in the way of worshiping our King the way He puts it on our heart! It’s so easy to let surroundings or people make us feel a certain way and intimidate us but always remember HE  is the one that matters and soaks in our sincere worship towards Him 🙂 Continue reading Tied together
Beautiful Testimony – Passion Fire Flags
I’ve been meaning to share this beautiful testimony some time ago but then again there are so many that we have … This one is about a beautiful pair of Regular swing flags called Passion Fire. So often it happens that people receive their silk or quill flags or streamer and at first it doesn’t make sense until Abba is starting to reveal himself in His splendor 🙂 Continue reading Beautiful Testimony – Passion Fire Flags
Margie with Sealed Wings
I shared a pair of my Dyed4you quill wings called Sealed with my friend Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed and she shared these stunning pictures! Continue reading Margie with Sealed Wings
PFT Angels Purim 2014
This is the young dance team at Passion for Truth affectionately nicknamed the PFT Angels (who you’ve seen before). In this dance to Born for This (which they performed Purim weekend), they use a special order 6 yard billow and two 3 yd streamers. You’ve seen the billow before in a quiet worship moment I’d shared. They did an awesome job – so proud! Continue reading PFT Angels Purim 2014
One Night with a King
Earlier this week I shared a snippet from worship this past weekend and promised to share the young ladies dance special when the video was posted… well here it is and it is wonderful! She’s dancing with a pair of special order 2XLR quill flags (named Come to Me), which you’ve seen before when one of our “PFT Angels” was worshiping with them. The song is called One Night with a King and the dance was done Purim weekend. Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading One Night with a King
Free to Dance
Words cannot express how moved I was getting to watch the worship moment live and in person. I pray that you all will be equally blessed to see this zealous worshiper giving her all with a pair of special order 2XLR quill flags (named Come to Me) that are almost as tall as she is 🙂 Continue reading Free to Dance
You are my Hallelujah swing flags
These are a pair of regular swing flags called You are my Hallelujah. You’ve seen swing flags in this style in action before – they’re some beauties! This worshiper shared several videos with us so you’ll be seeing a few more 😉
Free Worship
I loved the freedom of worship in these two clips I shot during one of the worship services at my church (PFT) – I couldn’t resist sharing with you all too. She is using a 3 yd streamer called Faith for the Impossible. I keep a good stash of streamers at church because they hold up very well 🙂 Continue reading Free Worship
AJ with L Quill Wings
You all with enjoy these anointed videos someone nabbed with their phone of our friend AJ during worship! He’s using a LW quill called Under His Wings and a LWH quill called Waves of Increase. If you haven’t gotten to enjoy any of AJ’s worship before here he is with swing flags and here he is with a variety of worship tools. Also you won’t want to miss his scarf story about breakthrough among the youth! Continue reading AJ with L Quill Wings
Joyful Praise Swing Flags & PWB Quills
A beautiful video of someone you’ve seen before who has been such a blessing to me personally. In this video – which was shot live during a recent church service – we see her first using a pair of regular swing flags called Joyful Praise (you’ve seen this style before – me demoing swing flags, as M quill flags, as an 8×54, and as a pair of voi) and then she uses a vivid pair of XL quill flags from Prophetic Worship Banners. Continue reading Joyful Praise Swing Flags & PWB Quills
Releasing All Flag Ministry
It’s been a while since I did some flag ministry for the blog. In keeping with the theme of the Dyed4you Art image that was released yesterday called Releasing All, I decided to do flag ministry along the same theme. The song is called I Breathe You in, God and Kim Walker Smith is singing. The lyrics of the song are: Continue reading Releasing All Flag Ministry
Transformed round swing flags
HERE THEY ARE!!! We decided to create round swing flags and they came out simply amazing! This style is called Transformed and you probably have seen it in XLR quills before. Here you will see Meghan worship with them at our church Passion for Truth and they have a feel and look of wings 🙂 Continue reading Transformed round swing flags
Pastor Jim with Faithful banner flag
These videos are from a live worship service at Passion for Truth, Pastor Jim had been prompted by the Father to grab the rainbow banner flag – he actually shared a bit about his exchange with the Father for the congregation. Without knowing the name of the silk, Father was reminding him of His promises and how He is faithful to fulfill His word. Little did he know the name of the flag he was holding was Faithful 🙂 Continue reading Pastor Jim with Faithful banner flag
Swing flags Joy comes in the morning
In this video you can see Meghan with these beautiful swing flags called Joy comes in the morning! You probably have seen the beaded Tallit version before on Meghan. It’s so precious to see how different yet so alike every silk is in it’s individual beauty … From the scarves to the quill flags or even our streamers. The Father has His unique touch in all of them 🙂 Continue reading Swing flags Joy comes in the morning
Under His Wings LW Quill
In these videos, you’ll see me using my LW (large wing) quill called Under His Wings (which is one of our popular styles) and my very favorite flag! We’ve seen this style before – Meghan has it in a dowel wing, we’ve seen it as an 8mm semicircle voi, and it even appeared as one of the demo silks in our Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves. The videos below were taken during a live service at Passion for Truth (PFT). You will also see some Dyed4you swing flags in the background as well a Prophetic Worship Banner quill and streamers from both ministries 🙂 Continue reading Under His Wings LW Quill
Preparing for the Bridegroom
This is another video that was submitted during our MR Quill Giveaway – it is a single Dyed4you swing flag called Preparing for the Bridegroom. You’ve seen a demo of flags like this one before, but it’s always fun to see a silk in the recipient’s hands 🙂 Continue reading Preparing for the Bridegroom
First-Time Flagger
My friend April said it best, “This little blue haired awesome girl of God has just picked up her first pair of flags. (She is)…from Greater Works. She is on their worship team and she sure is a powerhouse for Jesus.” Amen! This pair of MW quills called Sealed looks AMAZING in her hands! Continue reading First-Time Flagger