A beautiful video of our friend Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings wearing her custom oversized tallit. This silk is one of our new “multi-silks” which are words where two or more silks have been combined creating an extended word. In this case, the Cloud by Day silk (the tallit) had a satin strip of a Fire by Night silk added to it creating a multi-silk called “His Abiding Presence” (you may have seen video of me with my double layer spin wings in the same multi-silk style).
This silk was inspired by a request from another Dyed4you friend who ordered a custom beaded veil/tallit (that I hope to share more about with you in the future), but as part of it, Father specified having a bead for each of the twelve tribes on the tzitzits. So using the scriptures on the ephod for reference, I selected beads to be highlighted (3 per corner), to represent the tribes of Israel.
As I crafted the tzitzits I knew He was saying to do two sets, and when I created Elisa’s I understood why. Below are some pictures I took of her tallit before it was sent out.
When she received the silk she shared a quick thank you saying:
Wow…WOW…overwhelmed and processing. I will probably have more to say on this but first, of all “thank you” barely seems enough. The desire for one of your prayer shawls has been on my heart for a few years. The timing on this one I believe is very perfect and God-ordained.
Here she is sharing something Father put on her heart, but she starts with a shout out to us and a beautiful testimonial about her tallit.
[…] This silk combination was the inspiration behind what we’re calling the “multi-silk words,” which are silk letters that encompass more than one silk so they include the individual letters as well as a combined word and new name for the combined use. This concept came about when I created a couple pairs of double layer flags and had to consider how the silk letter should be formatted. Since then the idea has extended into mismatched pairs of flags (another multi-silk word for Eyes Wide Open will be getting shared shortly) and silks where multiple silk styles might be combined like a quilt or even a custom tallit. […]
[…] Day and Fire by Night) has already had multiple testimonies from the various recipients (e.g. Multi-Silk Oversized Tallit). I pray the art and its word (and the silk too) bless […]