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A Life Story in Silk

As I said in New Levels of Refinement and Confirmation, it’s always fun to see someone catch the Dyed4you “bug” and then start sharing with their friends and family and seeing all of them get blessed. This is the story about a friend. 🙂

This friend was blessed by the beautiful oversized beaded tallit she received. It was a custom, multisilk tallit (one silk in the main area and another in a strip along the head area) that took the better part of a year to make. It had to get sewn and resewn – it truly felt like a comedy of errors so much seemed to “go wrong” and yet we persisted and this lovely, unique tallit was finally completed.

When it was a just KNEW that even in its process God had been moving. Less than 24 hours later a Dyed4you dye-hard ordered a tallit as a gift. And even though this was more than what she ordered, I felt strongly it was what Papa had in mind for her friend. So I contacted her to get her approval to send this one – and boy was it a blessing!

Here’s what she shared:

Here’s my story.. it’s long, so feel free to cut it up or use the whole thing 🙂

I’ve needed to be “sewn and resewn” several times in my life.. largely due to misunderstandings of how I needed, and was designed, to be. The Lord has waited on me and been patient with me for a long time; and I honestly wasn’t at a place in my life until now that I could understand and more fully obey. So I feel my life story being told with this tallit, since it went through several trials and errors to become WHOLE as well.

The name of my tallit is “Lovesick Bride”, and it is a multi-silk combination of “Delight In The Lord” and “Unwavering Faith”.. multiple parts put together to form a more perfect whole. This silk speaks to the depths of my soul; it is a symbol of the Lord reminding me that I’ve never been alone on my journey, and that He WILL provide my needs.

I came to know about Dyed4you in July of 2018 when a dear sister in Christ received her tallit. I honestly thought it was kind of odd and wondered at the significance of a piece of material. I was not strong in my faith then and quickly moved on without much more thought. I saw her wearing it a few times over the next few months and in December 2018, my faith started to grow.. I was overcome with a sense that everything in the world was intensifying and accelerating. This nudge from Father pushed me to dive into His Word and draw nearer to Him. I kept considering ordering a tallit, but it remained a “want” instead of a NEED.

Then on Valentine’s Day 2019 (coincidence? Haha..) I kept being drawn back to the Dyed4You page and felt urged to go ahead and order a prophetically dyed tallit. My “want” had become an urgent NEED. I asked my dear sister in Christ which style she had ordered for herself and she then and there told me she would be getting me the tallit as a gift. I cried huge, humble, and grateful tears at her kindness and love!

The next day, she received a message from Meghan with Dyed4you that said she had just completed a tallit the day before and that she believed it was meant for me and would ship it out that day!! I cried again, tears of joy and thankfulness. I then learned that this tallit was in the making for nearly a year and struggled to come together for its final purpose, but had been completed the very day my “want” turned into my NEED.. and Yahweh provided, as He always does. He knew my needs before I even asked and He provided them freely.

When I received it, there were so many confirmations in the lengthy word that was provided with the tallit, I sat and cried again.. tears of love, and joy, and thankfulness that my God loves me so deeply. I know there’s no power in a piece of material, but I know my Father is always with me and will use various things to make Himself present in my life; this is one of those things. Glory to our Lord and our Savior!

2 thoughts on “A Life Story in Silk

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  2. […] Testimony: A Life Story in Silk […]

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