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New Levels of Refinement and Confirmation

It’s always fun to see someone catch the Dyed4you “bug” and then start sharing with their friends and family and seeing all of them get blessed. This is the story of one such person. 

Last summer, she got an oversized beaded tallit with Hebrew lettering in our Dyed4you Readymade store and was very blessed by it. A snippet of her feedback is shared below


After using it heavily for months, she felt like God said to get a new one. When it arrived this is what she shared:

I got my new tallit today! You can see the contrast between my older one and the new one. Both were prophetically dyed for me and I must say I’m so surprised that the color the Lord gave me for this season (olive) was in my new tallit! The name of my older silk tallit is “Warrior Princess” and the name of my new tallit is “My Path”, representing humility, fresh oil, refreshing, deep things of God, and giving it all up to the Lord. 

  The Verse with my new tallit is Isaiah 30:21 “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.”

 Walking in new levels of refinement hasn’t always been easy, but this also is confirmation of the word I put out called “Heeding The Call To Simplicity” about the refining of the smaller details of my life and walking according to heaven’s time schedule. Words cannot express how truly thankful I am because the Lord is an artist and He always confirms His word.

Heeding The Call To Simplicity

There are things in your life that need to be cut out and done away with. Many of these things you’ve put in your life are of excess and are monotonous, taking up much needed time. I have called you to a simplified life that you may have more time with Me and with your family. 

Cut out all of the waste by simplifying meals, clothing choices, even household arrangements. Less is more. When you remove all of the unnecessaries from your life, it makes room for Me to move more freely. Remove the clutter and let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Seek me in all the things you should do away with and I will tell you what to remove from your life. Declutter not only your space, but your mind and spirit in the process. You will be amazed at how much you’ve accumulated over the years that were not of me and you’ll find freedom in releasing these things into My hands by giving them away. 

Much of these things you don’t even need and were rooted in covetousness and greed. Accumulation of material wealth in order to avoid confronting a deeper penetrating situation… a very spiritual one at that. I have called you to live a simple life. I told you this two years ago and even led you on the journey to remove things that were not of me and still you have ignored it for the most part, but now you are under the guidance of the gentless of My spirit. You’re feeling in your heart what I’m saying to you and you know you must do this in order to remove the chaos from your home. Let me lead you into complete freedom, help Me to make your choices easier. This will help you greatly and remove feelings of being overwhelmed by your chores and duties as a mother and wife. I am leading you by your circumstances, to change the way you’re viewing what goes on within the walls of your home, in your household. I am going to help you manage your home, like a well oiled machine, and thus manage your time very efficiently in the process. I’m cleaning your home and you from the inside out. You are transitioning from glory to glory as I root out what was sent by the enemy to derail and destroy this precious process I have you in at the moment. Seek me in all things and I will cast out what was not of me, making you into who I have called you to be that you may stand in the evil day that is to come. I will not let the enemy destroy you. I want you to listen and pay attention to ALL the things I tell you and what I’m placing in your spirit, use your discernment. I am increasing all the things I have placed in your life and using them for your benefit and for My glory. Do not let yourself get distracted and be made to turn away from where My hand is guiding you, only remaining in Me is your protection. By this you shall conquer and overcome all of your setbacks and derailments, every enemy sent out against you will be trodden under your feet as a result. My magnificent power is within you and I go before you to prepare your way, though it is rough and steep, I will pull you through and your faith shall shine like the morning glory at dawn. I am with you always, tenderly leading you in My paths. Destruction cannot touch you. I am leading you forward and onward into new levels of glory.

2 thoughts on “New Levels of Refinement and Confirmation

  1. […] Testimony: New Levels of Refinement and Confirmation  […]

  2. […] Testimony: New Levels of Refinement and Confirmation  […]

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