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The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

The Lord led a woman from halfway across the country to my site and this is what the Lord gave me for her:

The name of your scarf is the Joy of the Lord is my Strength.

The colors in your scarf are:

– White representing festive rejoicing
– Amber representing glory of God
– Green representing God’s holy seed
– Turquoise representing healing

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Everlasting Joy, which is used as a reminder your joy is not dependent on your circumstances, it is a gift from God.

The verse that goes with this oil is “Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, everlasting joy will be theirs.” Isaiah 61:7

I pray this blesses you!

A week later, I received this encouraging email:

The scarf arrived on Saturday but I waited until Sunday morning to open it… just before going to church… and yes… I was greatly blessed!

When I saw the scarf (colors given) and the name of it (The Joy of the Lord is My Strength) and the name of the anointing oil (Everlasting Joy) as well as the scripture given (Isaiah 61:7 – Instead of shame you will have a double portion…) I just couldn’t stop looking at it in amazement. Everything was exactly right! I keep a journal of what the Lord speaks to me…

  • March 13th – “There is unspeakable joy awaiting you.”
  • March 20th – “My covenant with you is everlasting love… everlasting joy.”
  • March 27th – “You are My seed (one of the colors given)… My planting.” Also… “Be joyful… be exuberant!”
  • April 1st – “The Father loves the sound of His children’s laughter. He desires your laughter. He will turn your sorrow into joy… unspeakable joy…”
  • April 22nd – The Lord gave me a word the day after I had ordered the scarf… “Oil of gladness.” I remembered that you anointed the scarves that you make so I first thought that the Lord was revealing to me the anointing oil you would use. But than I realized that there is a scripture that mentions ‘oil of gladness.’ (Isaiah 61)
  • Then on May 10th… “A double portion I will give you… You will receive a double portion…”

And when I got to church and to my seat and was about to join in the worship… guess what the verse of the song was.

The joy of the Lord is our strength!

Thank you so so much Meghan… the scarf is absolutely beautiful! I immediately felt the anointing when I wore it. Every time I wear it I will be reminded of the Lord’s promise and His love and will be always encouraged. And I need to tell you that when I was in prayer this morning the Lord spoke to me about you…

“Write to Meghan and tell her of My love for her. How greatly pleased I am with her. She needs to be lifted up and encouraged… just as she has lifted up and encouraged many.”

God bless you greatly Meghan.

Her email came on a day when I did indeed need much encouragement. I sat with tears in my eyes thanking God for His love. For His ability to connect us across the miles to mutually encourage one another in our faith through His blessed Holy Spirit.

What a mighty God we serve!

View the 35×84 scarf on Dyed4you

3 thoughts on “The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

  1. I AM SO BLOWN AWAY! I love the way our father is uniting his children all over the world over a simple tool such as beautiful colourful scarves! Colours that not only add meaning to our lives but also brightens up our lives!

    Both of you are amazing to be so in tune with Him! Please pray that all His children may hear His voice! 🙂

  2. Oh goodness that makes me cry!!! God, You are SO much more than amazing, awesome, glorious…no words can describe Him! It’s also encouraging to know of others who are pressing into the Lord & hearing Him so clearly. I’m also a little partial to journaling myself, and for her to share those intimiate entries with us blesses me so much. Praise God He is SO FAITHFUL & lavishes His unquenachable love on us!

  3. That is do precious 💝 so glad The Lord also surprised you through this gift ❤️❤️❤️

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