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Held Secure Pillowcases

A Dyed4you regular bought a pair of pillowcases to give as a gift to a friend. The letter included with the pillowcases said:

The name of your pillowcases is Held Secure. The colors in it are:

– Sand representing feet shall not slip
– Earthy red representing apple of His eye

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Under His Wings, which is about the Lord’s covering over us. The deeper meaning for this oil is:

As His children, He protects us – we are under His wings; however, we have a choice whether or not to stay there. With free will, we make choices that move us outside of His covering. This scent represents choosing to stay in His will, to dwell under His wings.

The scripture that goes with this scarf comes from Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way;”

I sense the Lord’s pleasure over your conscious decisions to live fully surrender to Him and His will. It is because of that tender heart for Him that He clutches you so tightly. You are held secure.

I pray this blesses you!

About a week and half later, I received this scarf story:

Here’s my story from last night, the first night I slept on the pillowcases. Part of my journey the past few years has involved God taking me back to very young places internally… Well, last night as I lay on the pillow and allowed God to minister to me, I felt…myself being held secure… I lay there soaking it all in, and tears of thankfulness rolled down my cheeks… So, thank you…

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2 thoughts on “Held Secure Pillowcases

  1. These are so beautiful! I love how the Lord chose to minister to her!

  2. I know I already commented on this, and overall I’m very blog-comment happy tonight, but I’ve been looking at this one for a little bit. I love the fact that this one in particular is a pillowcase, and I can completely relate to how she felt that night. I still have those nights I lay with my “His Child” scarf and cry. Those deep places in our hearts are so difficult, but very necessary to revisit so we can move forward. I feel you, sister, and I’m praying for you.

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