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Perfect “Queen Esther”

A quick testimonial from a recent order:

I ordered a custom dyed scarf and expectantly waited for it to arrive. It could not be more perfect for me. Thank you for listening to God and touching my life.

Then 10 days later, I received the full story:

Meghan, you made me a scarf called “Queen Esther” the end of May and I just wanted to tell you how powerfully it has impacted my life.

I received notice that you had mailed the scarf while I was visiting my parents in Florida. On the way home as I was praying about the scarf, I felt it would have blue in it so when I arrived home and opened the package the Royal Blue just jumped out at me. I read the name, what the colors represented, and the oil it was anointed with and I just sat and hugged the scarf and cried for a long time. Let me tell you what God used you to do.

For over a year my life has been torn, empty, and barren. I told one of my friends that every area of my life was messed up. My marriage, my family, my health, my finances, and my relationship with God. I had let the things of the world come between me and my Savior. I had given away all of my worship scarves, banners, and flags several years ago.

My flags and material for new flags was borrowed and never returned. Somewhere along the way I stopped spending that alone time in worship like I have always loved to do. Life came in with a vengeance and I lost all hope.

I told my mother I was completely hopeless and asked her to pray for me that God would renew my hope. I have sought God and even though I know He never leaves me, I have felt like I am in a desert. The scarf has Chartreuse Green representing hope, when I read that I felt my heart skip a beat or two. The very thing I had prayed for was now represented in my new worship scarf! God gave me this scripture as I held the scarf in Psalms 42:5 “Why are you downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for yet I will praise Him my Savior and my God.”

The Royal Blue represents righteousness, how I needed to be reminded that I am made righteous by the grace and love of my friend Jesus. There is purple representing royalty…I can’t even begin to tell you how much I have been taught about being God’s princess. Who I am in Him is the only thing that has ever mattered since he saved my soul.

The last color is Green Halo representing double portion. I always encourage others and so many times I have said “God will give you a double portion”, how sweet it was to have God say that back to me.

The name of the scarf represents a Bible figure very close to my heart. I love Esther! God had told me many times in many different ways that I was created here and now “For such a time as this” just like Esther.

The scarf reminded me of so many promises and then I read about the oil of mercy. I cry even now as I write this. Mercy has never been my strong point. How I have prayed to let mercy triumph over judgment in my life! For myself as much as others, for we are often our own worst critic.

You sent a scripture in Isaiah 16:5 “And in mercy shall the throne be established…”, I was reminded of a scripture on my desk Micah 6:8 “For what does the Lord require of you? but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” I realized how much God wanted me to sow mercy in every area of my life and trust Him to fight my battles. I knew there were areas in which I needed to obey Him even if it cost me my freedom. And I now trust and hope that God will reward my obedience.

My marriage is better, my life has more peace, my health is improving, but most of all I feel God’s presence and I have returned to my special worship times with Him. I have slept with the scarf, sat at my computer with my scarf, and kept it close to my heart. For it reminds me of how much God loves me and how much He wants me to love.

Lastly, one night I had danced with my scarf and laid down to rest. I looked at the letter you sent with the scarf and saw the date May 31, 2010 (Memorial day). God spoke to me and told me this “My praises will rise as a memorial to you-a sacrifice of praise to my King who has saved me from my captivity and shown me great mercy. Because of your mercies I am not consumed and I will sow mercy not judgment for you my King.”

Thank you for listening to the voice of our Lord. And thank you for using your gifts for His glory. My life has been changed, renewed, and refreshed.

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12 thoughts on “Perfect “Queen Esther”

  1. I too have a “Queen Esther” scarf and I love it! The literal translation to my name (from Latin to English) Reyna Esther means Queen Esther. The Lord truly showed His favor to me and spoke to my heart so deeply when I received this scarf.
    I am glad that you experienced an amazing touch from our King as well. 🙂

  2. WOW! What an awesome story. It made me cry, but tears of joy. As I read this, i was seeing me at time. I too read my letters over and over. God is so good all the time. I love to see how God touches everyone through the beautiful scarfs that you make. God bless you all

  3. Awesome!

  4. So beautiful how HE works and He is in every detail! He told me once nothing He does is random. Wonderful story!

    1. Love that. Nothing random ❤️

  5. It is a very special way that your ministry touches lives. Beautiful.

  6. WOW!

  7. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  8. How appropriate for Purim! Love this!

  9. I have become the same way. Was married two years ago. I did not realize my husband had ADD or that as soon as we married, he would start ignoring me and doing his own thing. I walked away from God now in trying to draw closer I have so many things to fight through to reach him again.

  10. Such a beautiful testimony of God’s restoration.

  11. This testimony makes me smile. Papa knows what we need. And then He pours into us. 😀

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