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Birthed through Fire Streamer

So the woman (a Dyed4you friend) wielding her friend’s streamer in Spiritual Delivery knew after that day that she needed her own.  God (with His sense of humor) did have it come out similarly to the one she’d used but He birthed a powerful new word for it.

Here I show the streamer (14×72 scarf with a streamer seam added) in action 🙂

View 14×72 / sewing services on Dyed4you

11 thoughts on “Birthed through Fire Streamer

  1. lol…I always wait for the grin at the end 😉

    I LOVE the streamer! I think people would be safer around me with this than a voi or poi, lol. Although, I REALLY want a voi! Thanks for always posting the videos!

  2. The grin is usually when I remember there is people watching 😉

  3. Beautiful. As always.

  4. I always like looking at the videos you post. 😀

  5. So beautiful and anointed. You are so beautiful !!!

  6. Beautiful movement, song, and music!!!! Thank you for sharing your anointed gifts!

  7. i love the scarf’s name and so love to know that God has a sense of humour! haha!

  8. beautiful meghan 🙂 and thank you for sharing!

  9. The gradients of color in the streamer are so beautiful and make me think about how the fire of the Holy Spirit has a root in the blood of Christ . . . . beautiful!

  10. Love it Meghan!!! The song is beautiful 🙂

  11. Very Beautiful. Every Sunday, it brightens me up to see the little children at our church dancing and praising God. They use flags, streamers, and dancing scarves. For my 8th grade promotion, my mom and I are looking into buying a streamer for me. I love to dance, and i’m looking forward to glorifying God with it.

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