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Warrior Princess & Bursting Forth

This is a fun story 🙂 This woman emailed me when she ordered her scarf – she had said for me to do whatever God said, but then commented:

As I browsed through your site I was drawn to the photo of a lady wearing one of your beaded veils. It almost looked like a mahogany brown with splashes of turquoise and metallic gold. Just really wanting to be a mighty warrior princess for His kingdom as I allow His Spirit to move through me.

Little did she know, the name of the scarf she liked WAS Warrior Princess 🙂

Here’s the story from today when it arrived:

Oh, oh, oh. They’re here, they’re here!!!! Harley and I just walked down to the mailbox and were so excited to see our precious package that we skipped back home. Harley kept saying,”Yay they’re here. Can we open it, mama…can we??”

I had taken some video on our little camera of us opening the package and reading your notes but the lighting was not so great. I was crying tears of joy as I read. Harley’s first….Bursting Forth and anointed with Radiant Light. Her middle name is Shyne!!!!

She is such a shining light and she was born at home in the water. When she arrived she did not cry, just sweet peace. She shone with the glory light of God and still does. She started laughing immediately when she held her scarf. She opened it and said, ” Mama, it’s a sunshine!!!” and the middle of it is yellow and looks like a sunshine…”mama, let’s praise Jesus!!!”

Whew…tears in my eyes still. Thank you for the words you spoke over her at the end of your note. No weapon formed against her shall prosper, darkness cannot contain light, her light will not be hidden or held back, anything that rises up to try to block her way…she will simply come bursting forth. We receive this word because for the last 2 weeks she has been waking in the middle of the night screaming. She will sleep with it tonight and I will keep you posted.

Now, the scarf you created for me. Oh my…..Just what I had envisioned!!! Absolutely stunning!!! The colors are magnificent and even though you did not use any purple or plum/magenta in the process, there are gorgeous splashes of it throughout the scarf ( it happens to be one of my favorite colors!!!) I take this to mean, royalty, his child and kingdom authority.

When I read the note….my scarf is named Warrior Princess. I had no idea the one I spotted on your site was the same name. God is so cool.

The scent is truly heavenly…Wedding Feast. So poignant right now as I am heading up to my 4 year wedding anniversary but totally pressing in to Him now as my husband to trust Him and believe in Him for things that my earthly husband is not able to provide at the moment. I have been standing on the verse of Song of Solomon 2:4 for the last couple of weeks now. Particularly, His banner over me is love.

Recently our pastor has been teaching a series called Kingdom Keys….on how God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven right now!!!! Whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven, whatever we loose in heaven is loosed on the earth. I am feeling such intense love that only Yeshua, the Hope of Glory can provide. Such a sweet stillness and peace and a knowing that He is well pleased with me and has chosen me for such a time as this. He will not let me fall.

I love you, sister in Christ. Although I have not yet met you in person. Your ministry is a true blessing and transcends through the atmosphere. May he pour out a blessing upon you and your family so much that you do not have room to contain it.

To Him be all honor, praise and glory forever and ever, amen!!!!

A little while after she’d sent her story, she sent this follow up:

I’ve just been dancing with my scarf and held it up to the light. It looks to me like there is an image of a beautiful butterfly in the middle. To confirm this…my husband who just got home said,” Hey, hold that up for me for a minute…It looks like a butterfly.”

Aaaahhh…I LOVE GOD!!!!!

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18 thoughts on “Warrior Princess & Bursting Forth

  1. Wow – Warrior Princess is the scarf that introduced me to Dyed4You! It was purchased for me as a gift – the most amazing gift I have ever received. That someone would think so much of me to buy such a uniquely special gift was incredible. What was more amazing was that what I truly wanted to be for the Kingdom of God, was the way the Lord already saw me! I love you too Lord! <3

  2. I love this testimony:) Praise God

  3. This is beautiful…on so many levels! What a blessing!

  4. What a beautiful story 🙂 Our Lord and Savior is so amzing. I pray that your daughter is resting well in Gods hands. Bless you all.

  5. Your daughter is so precious! She’s just beaming form ear to ear with her scarf 🙂 She truly does have such a beautiful light all around her 🙂 Your testimony is so encouraging. It never ceases to amaze me the great testimonies of God’s love and faithfulness to us. Your scarf looks beautiful on you sister!

  6. I was teary as I read the reaction of her daughter. Little children are so precious and open to the Lord. It is a joy to behold and an example to follow. I love this testimony. One of my favorites.

  7. Praise our Precious Yeshua!!! Beautiful testimony of family and faith in the LORD. Freedom and Joy unspeakable in worshiping our Savior. Thank you for sharing your testimony and beautiful pics of mama and daughter. I am overwhelmed with joy for you. Praise to our Sar Shalom, Prince of Peace!!!

    This scripture came to mind: Romans 15:5-6 (NET): “5 Now may the God of endurance and comfort give you unity with one another in accordance with Christ Jesus,
    6 so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    ~ Blessings, grace, and peace to you beloved sister in Christ. Yay Abba Father!!!

  8. This is so amazing. You will both dance for the Kingdom of God moving it forward for the purpose of God. Achild shall lead them . she will leaad others to the Lord from her exhuberant personallity. Their is an anointing on you to dance and praise and worship for your Jesus !! You will pull down stronghollds as you do warfare with your steps of praise. god will give you warfare dances and specific steps that are ordered of the Lord. A butterfly flies with freedom and beauty. You will soar and fly in the arms of the Lord how preciuos you are to him. He loves you so much.

  9. Dear ladies,
    How I am so encouraged and humbled by all of your comments. I am continually amazed at how the Lord weaves people together. Isn’t it awesome that we are able to encourage one another across the internet. Love it!!!!

    Melijen, thank you again for your continued prayer for our family and for another scripture to meditate upon. Kimberly, I am overcome. I have been dancing since age 3 and have recently been released to dance prophetically for King Jesus.Your words are almost identical to what has been previously spoken over me. My Harley adores to worship God also. Excited to see what the Lord has in store for her.

    Donelda, Amanda, Tami, Jennifer and Tammy. Thank you for your encouragement, kind words and prayers also. Each of us such an intricate part of His masterpiece.

    Thank you again, Meghan for your spirit of humility, obedience and LOVE!!!!!
    It must be so cool to hear of all the testimonies of ones who have been touch by the King of Kings through you!!

    Oh, Father God how we absolutely, un abandonedly adore you. I pray a special blessing over each of these women and their families. Protect them, O God. Let their lights shine forth, may they forge ahead with Kingdom purpose ever planted, deeply rooted in you. Showers of continued blessing upon them.

    We give all the glory to you!!!!!! Amen!!

  10. **sidenote** the other fun thing about this blog is like the encouragement & testimonies, but I’m able to put a face with many of the names here in the comments & finding you ladies on Facebook to stay in touch 🙂 Love how God works!

  11. What an awesome story! I too, love the colors of this scarf……and the title Wedding Feast. I had to laugh to myself when I read this, because I have been praying for a husband for several years now, and I’m patiently waiting on God…but I keep praying for a suddenly too! Ha-ha! I also am very drawn to butterflies, especially since about 3 years ago, when the Lord said I was going through metamorphosis; I think they’re all beautiful. So are you and your daughter! Be blessed!

  12. Gorgeous! The scarves and testimonies are wonderful! Isn’t God so amazing in how he takes care of every detail including making sure Meghan created that beautiful butterfly in the design?-I’m sure it wasn’t intentional but the Lord used her hand to create a masterpiece. God bless you and your daughter.

  13. Seeing your daughter’s excitement confirms that my daughter, Cassidy, will love her new scarf for her 9th birthday in September! I love that at such a young age they want to worship the Lord just like their mommy! 😀

  14. Thank you Jeantte and Reyna. I love little God surprises like that!!! Tammy, your sweet Cassidy will be so blessed by her birthday scarf. Actually both of our scarves were for my 4th wedding anniversary and my Harley’s 3rd birthday on September 2nd!!!! obviously we couldn’t wait to open them. We have been enjoying dancing with them now for the last couple of days. We even sleep with them on our pillows!!! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

    Be blessed, women of God and may He give each of you the desires of your heart.

  15. oooh! I love the butterfly part the best! hahaha! Its been my symbol from God when I just started my journey of discovery with Him!

    Your daugher is such a cutie! 🙂

    God bless you and your family!

  16. I can just picture you dancing and worshiping the Lord with your beautiful scarf; and it’s so awesome about the butterfly image. The Lord has been speaking to me over the last year alot about butterflies and metamorphosis. Be blessed!

  17. What a great story!!! What a beautiful scarf. And what a powerful name of a scarf. Be blessed and worship on!!!!!

  18. Glory to God! I was doing online training for a new job, and just felt led to get on Facebook and saw your link. Love the Warrior Princess account! Reminds ME that I am such….and that the most powerful warring in in praising Him. Hallelujah! OUR GOD REIGNS!

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