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Encouragement from God

Another D4Y Blog Giveaway story from comment #528!ย  The number 528 was picked because of Psalm 52:8, “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.”ย  Here Tami shares her story:

When I looked on facebook (August 21st) and saw that I won the giveaway scarf, I started to cry. I was really having a hard day, was feeling hopeless and didn’t know which way to go.

Our church was having a Glory conference that weekend that I had been looking forward to it, but was getting attacked very hard. I was hearing a lot of things in the conference that God had been sharing with me, putting things together for me — it was conformation. But then I started hearing things like, “no that can’t be” and “that is just crazy”, or “that will never happen”.

I came home Friday night with such a burden on me that I didn’t even want to go back on Saturday morning. But I did go, I knew that I couldn’t let the devil win!!! It was hard, but I am glad that I did go ๐Ÿ™‚ We had two conferences that day, so after the morning conference we came home. I was reading scarf stories and posting comments on the Dyed4you Blog.

Then I took some time to look up some verses that came with my wing that I had just received from Meghan. I know that Father God is really trying to tell me something with all of the Dyed4you letters that I have received. As I read over them I see that He is speaking almost the same thing over me each time. I need to be better about receiving.

So after I looked up some verses and studied them I went back on to facebook and saw that I had won the giveaway. Papa God gave me a gift that I needed right at that moment. He is so amazing, so loving. He doesn’t like to see his children hurting. He was telling me that it is going to be ok, I am here, I will never leave you. The name of my scarf is Zealous for God. This scarf letter is deep, it is heavy. I will be chewing on this one for some time.

I love you so much Papa — Holy Spirit come show me what I can do to further Your kingdom. I pray for more understanding of Your loving word, for wisdom, guide my path. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen

One of my favorite verses: Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

And later I found out that Tami had received her scarf within about a week of her birthday as well!ย  That’s the third giveaway scarf that’s happened with ๐Ÿ™‚ God is so good…

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6 thoughts on “Encouragement from God

  1. Tami – I so relate on several points you made. I also see the same message repeated from Him. I see it as encouragement to keep going and He isn’t going to let us get off that path (whatever the message is) He has set before us. We are His and He isn’t letting go!

  2. Tami, you always look beautiful in your scarves, but this one just seems to make you glow. The most wonderful thing about it is He keeps reminding you, and keeps loving & shepherding you down the path He has for you. Keep staying close to Him like you are! I pray a fresh new peace & a renewed steadfast spirit in you. There is a blessing in this pressing. Just like olives have to be pressed to yield fresh oil, so you must also. But you’ll shed your old wineskin so you may hold it & pour into others. So press into Him. Press through the test. Your heart will enlarge and greater amounts of Him will flow through you! Be abundantly blessed Tami! Love you!

  3. Our Heavenly Father knows what we need. What a sweet story!

  4. Good job pressing through the tough parts, knowing God was giving you something important. Not always easy hearing from God, but always worth it.

  5. Tami, radiant and beautiful as the flowers behind you. I love your prayer, so reflective of your passionate love of Jesus. After I read your story, I thought of the scripture Matt 12:34b: “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” And when I looked at your picture again, I thought about the scripture Proverbs 27:19: “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.” Beautiful heart, beautiful woman. ย I am guessing that your name even has a beautiful meaning, too.

  6. Thank you all for you kind words. I love to come back and read what everyone has said, it is such encouragment to me, just like my dyed4you letters.

    @Amanda, thank you for the encouraging of word.

    @Melijen, I had never really looked in to my name, so i thought i would. My mom of course had to spell it different then most people, but i did see that it was very popular in the 60’s when i was born ๐Ÿ™‚ My given name is Tamera:Hebrew ยท A Spice or Beloved Angel. That is a beautiful meaning ๐Ÿ™‚ Blessings to you all

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