This was posted on Facebook today by April Steffen – a Dyed4you customer and friend – I loved it so much I asked if I could share it with you all 🙂
Why I dance with flags:
- It is a sign of victory (Ex 17:15).
- It is given to those who fear Him (Ps 60:4),
- It is a sign that the Lord is here (Is 18:3),
- It is a declaration of His love over us (Song of Solomon 2:4),
- It shows His gates are open (Is 13:2),
- It gathers people together who have been outcast with those who have been faithful (Is 11:12), It encourages you to enter into His presence (Is 62:10),
- It is a sign to come quickly, to rise from your sleep, to be strengthened with His strength, The enemy flees at the sign of a banner (flag) (Is 30:17),
- It rallies the Armies of God to gather for spiritual warfare (Jer 51:27),
- It causes people to rejoice and have hope (Ps 20:5),
- We are called Awesome as an Army (Song of Solomon 6:4).
I will raise a banner before the Lord, I will rejoice in His presence, I will declare that His gates are open and declare His love for His people. May I be strengthened with God’s mighty right hand as I wave my hand before him and dance and shout His praises over the earth.
Be sure to see part 2
Love this!
We are are the army of God marching forward in battle. Let us raise a banner over you Lord proclaiming you are triumphant. Strong and mighty to save. Let us praise your name with and worship you with dancing, singing, praising, flags, banners, tambourines, instruments, wings of Praise , scarves dyed prophetically just for you !!! We are marching forth in battle to advance the kingdom of God !!! What an encouraging proclamation !! Warfare is done in the heavenlies when you use flags. Freedom comes to the people when you move in the High Praise of God with flags.
So encouraging & super excited for the scripture references! I’m printing it out and putting it in my bible. So glad you both shared!
I Love this ! I also worship with flags at our church and at home. Its hard for me to explain it to some people and so I shared this on my facebook for others to see ! Thanks !
Love this! Printing it, too:+) Thank you. And I LOVE her scarf.
It was actually yardage of a silk charmeuse that she made into flags 🙂 It did come out beautifully!
Love the scriptures. I also am going to print them out and put them in my bible. Worshipping with flags brings freedom to the whole house. Last Sunday God showed our little church a whole picture of what he was doing through flags. It was awesome. The whole front of the stage was filled with flags and down the isle of the pews. It was good.
Thank you for sharing, i love the scriptures, love them!! Amen… I agree with eveything she said, Flags are awesome to worship with. i see Papa looking down on his children with sure Joy.
I go to the same little church as Angie and it truly was amazing what God had shown us through the flags.
I forgot to mention how i loved the colors in this scarf 🙂
I think the colors are beautiful!
What I really liked so much about this entry was the clear, biblical sharing. When I’ve read Scripture, I’ve read about the “banner” time and time again. I don’t think I ever visualized it, and I’m not sure I could have…until now.
Thank you for sharing this! It was precious to me to read so that I would know my Lord even better in this way. 😀
I am so very amazed and excited at what God has and continues to do through His children. One of my favorite verses is ‘when the enemy rushes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord sets up a Standard(banner) against him….wow added to those you cited here, I have even more of the full armor of the Lord in my dailly walk/worship with Him. Thanks so very much for sharing and may our Lord add a special blessing to your life.
I gotta be honest, it’s been a long time since I have danced with my banner. This was a beautiful reminder of the freedom found in worshiping with flags! Thank you April for these encouraging verses, I will be keeping them close!
I am so happy that everyone is being blessed by God’s Word. I questioned whether this was just for justifying my reasoning for Worshipping the Lord the way I do as unfortunately not everyone appreciates this ministry. Im glad to hear that there are many people worshipping the Lord in Spirit and Truth and carrying a flag or dancing before HIm (even if we are not the most graceful, He is full of Grace, Hallelujah!). Where we fall short in our humanity God is faithful to raise us up as we sometime humiliate ourselves before him. I dont mean negatively. God loves for us to come to him with a humble state of mind and a contrite heart. He honors those who seek HIm, who follow after HIm, whose desire is to fulfill the Law of Christ as we bear one anothers burdens.
Raise a Banner in His Name, Set up a Standard and call His people to Worship Him, acknowledge that He is the Way, The Truth and the Life. Shout it from the mountain tops, Whisper it in the quiet places, declare Him holy with your banners and call Him My Redeemer, My Sword and Sheild, My Strong Tower, My Hope and Peace.
Meditate on these scriptures and let God reveal Himself to you. May you find a deeper, richer relationship with our Lord. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will lift you up.
thanks for sharing this post again!