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Vision Come to Life

Donna is another part of the followship where Dyed4you silk is abundant 🙂  She was gifted her first scarf, but

I just want to share this with Meghan and the rest of the blessed whom have shared their story about their scarves.

I heard of Meghan through several women of God at a praise and worship meeting. I had been seeing this lovely blue/green color vision during the prayer,then simply thanked God for the vision. One of the ladies pulled her first of many scarves out and right away I wanted one!

During the remaining portion of prayer the other lady came up to me with the exact colors I had been seeing during the worship in a scarf She was led to give to me. God is so awesome!

Nevertheless I went to the website and purchased two more from Meghan. After some visions of what was to come, I was overwhelmed by the grace of God and his blessings with the “Revelation of the Lord”, anointed with “His Presence”. This looked exactly like the visions and I danced with it just as I saw in my vision I would! Praise the Lord!.

“Raised to Honor”, anointed with “Showers of Blessings” made me weep because God sent this to me right on time. So much is on my shoulders and I have but a piece of heaven to place on my shoulders to lighten the load.

Thank You So Much Meghan. God Bless you to continue this work until Christ comes!

Below is a little video snippet of Donna with her 45×108 Revelation of the Lord scarf – no sound, but it’s fun to watch the silk move 🙂

View 45×08 / 11×90 (chiffon)

6 thoughts on “Vision Come to Life

  1. You are so beautiful and your scarf is also. You worship your God in the beauty of His holiness. Thank you for posting. God is so good to give us what we need at just the right time. sometimes it looks like nothing is going to change but then the break through comes in like a might rushing wind. your breakthrough is right at the point of rushing in and in the midst of the storm you will find peace. I just experienced this in my marriage. God is so faithful to us. God bless you !!

  2. I love to read the stories of how God is working in others lives, and how these scarves play into what God is speaking. It blesses me to read these when things in my own life aren’t going as planned – gives me Hope! Thanks for sharing. I pray He continues to pour His presence out on you Meghan and on Donna!

  3. The scarf is beautiful as always. The video made me think of someone discovering something beautiful for the first time.

  4. Very beautiful testimony. It’s so fun when the Lord gives us a tangible representation of the visions He gives us! What a blessing!

  5. Your so cute wrapping yourself up in His wings.

  6. i love how she’s so full of joy! hahaha!

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