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Let’s Play

So we’re trying something new today – I confess I love it when God plays games with with His children πŸ™‚Β 

I was creating a pair of scarves called Restoration (a popular style scarf). When they were rinsing I felt led to over-dye one in plum (representing intimacy).Β  Below you can see the two scarves – Restoration on the left and the variant of it on the right.

Now one thing God has told me is that *I* do not have to “like” every scarf that’s made because *I* am not the one receiving every scarf, so it doesn’t always have to be to *my* taste. πŸ™‚Β  I confess there are moments with fear and trembling I send out a scarf I think is incredibly ugly only to get a GLOWING scarf story about how blessed the recipient was and how beautiful they thought it was.

So as I pondered this Restoration + intimacy scarf I thought about how it wasn’t to my own taste and wondered if it was “finished” or if it needed to be over-dyed again.Β  And what God said was to post it for you all to see so that YOU can banter about if it’s done and what it’s name is, etc.

So… comment away and share your thoughts on this little creation πŸ™‚

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We ended up doing a giveaway on Facebook.Β  People entered anonymously people they felt would be blessed by the silk.Β  Then people “voted” by “liking” which ever entries they wanted to vote for. The entry with the most “likes” won.Β  This was the winning entry:

I have a friend that’s just out of drug rehab.. she was once on fire for God, tasted of Him & saw that He was good. and she made a wrong turn away from Father & He is drawing her back, restoring her to the intimacy they once shared, My prayer for her is restored intimacy with the lover of her soul!

Here’s the reply I got from the woman who entered the winner after the young lady had received her silk:

Hi Meghan! I got the scarf in the mail this past week end, and gave it to her today! she started crying saying you have no idea what this means to me. she’s doing the 7 steps and this is the step she’s working on! getting intimate with God!! she just cried when I gave it to her, she said she would be wearing it a lot! So thank you to all who clicked like on my post, so she could have this wonderful gift from our “Father”!

17 thoughts on “Let’s Play

  1. Well I love it! I’m pretty simple and think that “Restored Intimacy” is a pretty awesome thing. I personally don ‘t think it needs more. I love these colors together. (-:

  2. I agree with Julie…Restored Intimacy.

  3. I think it is finished too. I see explosions of the restoration coming through the intimacy meaning in the times of intimacy different areas will be restored in a powerful way, like an explosion. πŸ˜€ I love it. It’s beautiful.

  4. I agree and love the name “Restored Intimacy” or even “Intimate Restoration”!! My personal experience is that I have received very little true lasting restoration outside of intimacy so the concept is amazing and the result is that the two cannot be separated! πŸ™‚

  5. I was thinking “Resurresting Intimacy” and I love it better now that its dyed plum! πŸ™‚

  6. I like the name Restored Intimacy. How fun to recreate something new out of something that you already had. fun, fun fun!!!!!

  7. I LOVE THEM BOTH – on the left I see the “alignment and accuracy” of God’s restoration. It’s all about His perfect order. It’s all about bringing wholeness. Then when I look on the right I see the explosion of His intimacy. How He messes us up. Now let me try to explain what I mean. It’s like falling in love. When you start out a relationship – you try to keep everything as proper and in a straight line as possible – aligned – orderly. As you progress in the relationship and know “this is the one” – your heart gets messed up – a flutter – wild with passion. There is an “ignition – explosion” within the very essence of your being. That’s what comes with intimacy and what I see on the right. When you truly get it and understand Christ’s UNCONDITIONAL love – there is still a Holy order – yet a chaotic wild intimacy that comes with being restored into the fullness of HIS love. Think about it – whenever HE says our name – the Almighty God – explodes with an unbridled passion for each one of us. That’s what I see in these 2 scarves! I LOVE THEM BOTH. As you said Meghan – you don’t have to like each one you make – but God knows EXACTLY how to use you – so run with it! My 2 cents!

  8. I love them both it is literally my life right now and what God is dong in my marriage restoring us to wholeness and bringing a newness and restoration we have never exsperienced before. God ‘s intamacy iis so precious and then when you have that in your marriage relationship is beyond words. Beautiful colors for both the scarves and each has its own meaning and anointing.

  9. I think it’s beautiful! I like how straight and orderly the blue and green are, and then the fun purple party is on top!

  10. HA HA @ Helen – “party is on the top” HA HA LOVE IT!!!

  11. Relationship has been stirring in me a lot lately… As Christians we tend to try and fix ourselves (adhere to Gods “laws” on our own) and all we end up with is a good effort and alot of religion. However when we come into relationship with the Heavenly Father he brings us where we need to be, to understand that what we perceive as law is actually his promises. He changes our heart and we realize we don’t need our own will but his will. Hope that makes sense… this scarf to me captures just that… Restoration out of intimate relationship with God. Bringing us to a place where we begin to look more like him and less like the world, but not through our own effort. I love this scarf. I also love the name “Intimate Restoration.” It shows us his law is actually his promises.

  12. Why am I crying AGAIN!!!! Oh boy……..dear friends of ours are going through an absolutely unexplained and ugly custody battle with their 2.5 year old daughter. We have become the transfer people for supervised visits with the father which is so sad. Through it, the father has come back to Christ. Praise God!!! But the mother is being misguided with lies. I wrote to her a very Holy Spirit inspired letter but it seems the walls are up. As a family, we have been praying for RESTORATION for the marriage and for their personal relationships with Christ. Uniquely enough, the day we found out about this awful situation, I had picked up a little bracelet from the Watoto children’s tour with the word RESTORE on it. I knew it wasn’t for me but when the father showed up on our doorstep the same night…I knew it was for him. So …in saying that…..I had such a strong sense of this scarf being a blessing to the mother…our dear sister in the Lord, who has says she has not walked away from the Lord but clearly needs breakthrough and a revelation of the love of the Father for her. To restore her spirit back to Him. For in her turning her face toward papa God, I know everything else will be worked out. Anyway…regardless. The scarf is stunning. The bursting yellow makes me think of the Father’s Joy which is our strength. The white….Jehovah Shalom. His peace which surpasses all understanding. and the purple…the majesty of the Christ. His arms enveloped around the one who wears it. Stunning, Meghan.

  13. What fun! I like the name Restored Intimacy—I can see the waves of God’s love!!! As we become more restored to Him, we also get back in touch with how intimately He loves us! What a great promise that someone can hold onto. Splashes of joy of their salvation-splashes of love–overwhelming peace….

  14. These are both Gorgeous!!! As for leaving it ‘done’ or adding to it. I see the Gold speckles all throughout representing the fact that through the fire, what is pure rises to the top and is formed and polished for all to see. More of His Royalty and Purity as you are Restored. Wow!!! Just Amazing!!!!

  15. I love the scarf and the name. Each one of us has had intimacy restored with the Father through Jesus’s sacrifice and resurrection. It is a huge part of Father’s heart for each one of us! Love it!!

  16. Meghan,

    The scarf is stunning. This reminds me of an email I received from a Sister in Christ referring to how as God being the Potter, he molds us and shapes us and through the fire, he restores us and makes us new in him from the inside out. I love the name Restored Intimacy. When I look at the picture on the right – I see an angel setting a dove free, and an image of a woman kneeling, and wings throughout. God has blessed you tremendously. I cannot wait to give the scarves I ordered to my friends. I am excited because the scarf you did for me called Healing Flows will be a confirmation of the gift God has given my friend. I am waiting the arrival of the larger scarves I ordered as well. You and Carole have been blessed with a precious gift from God.

  17. This is crazy good! I’m going back through the D4Y blog, reading different scarf stories. This was posted over a year and a half ago. I just love this story. It blows my mind how awesome and all-knowing Papa God is! He knew exactly what He was doing when he told Meghan to dye it again, all the way down to how the scarf made it to the right person. Way cool!

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