How fun to see how one ministry has been blessed by Dyed4you silk!
On the last order submitted, I requested 3 custom dyed, each for a different person. One was for me so I was quite excited when the package came. I looked at the names of each scarf, and wanted them all, but didn’t have any trouble finding mine because I ordered a different size. The scarf – Hovering of the Holy Spirit. I cherished it and the letter.
The prayer ministry I coordinate is currently moving. At the time I received the scarf I had viewed a building that would work for our new home, but wanted to look at others to see what was available. I made appointments for Monday, then on Saturday I heard that I should invite an intercessor friend who to go with me. I called, invited, and she agreed. As we talked the new scarf name seemed to pop out of my mouth and conversation moved to the Holy Spirit hovering at the time of creation (Gen 1:2). She was thrilled, taking the scarf as a confirmation of so many things we’ve been directed to birth, including our new location. I was encouraged as well, looking at the scarf in a new light. Before we ended our call she made me promise to bring the scarf when we went to view the building possibilities.
Fast forward: we found a space and have now invited the team to view before I sign a lease. Different intercessors are in the building with me and I tell them about the recently received scarf and its meaning. There was a brightening of the countenance of one as she accepted the message of the scarf. The team prays through the available space and as we end our prayer an intercessor who has in the past had glimpses into the spiritual realm states she sees the presence of the Holy Spirit hovering just beneath the ceiling. The joy and anticipation continue to grow.
By 8:30 the next morning the space was leased for the ministry.
I’ve been asked to bring Hovering of the Holy Spirit to all our prayer times, and when we pray for the volunteers they like to place that scarf and depending on the prayer need, Healing Rain, over their head or around their shoulders.
As for the other two scarves – they were an encouragement to me as I gave them and I pray they will become an encouragement to the recipients as well. Unrestrained Praise went to a talented pianist. Enforcing Victory to my mother, who has been walking through attacks centering around a somewhat rare stomach cancer.
Thank you, not only from me but from the prayer team. They have embraced the message in each of the scarves received to date (Stand Firm, Healing Rain, Healing Flow), and now Hovering of the Holy Spirit as not only a personal message for me, but a corporate message for our ministry.
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Not only are the scarf stories touching to my heart on the goodness of God but some really inspire me in new ways of using them. This is a great story and each of the scarves are gorgeous as usual! I really love the Unrestrained Praise and the movement in it.
what a Beautiful testimony!! I love how each scarf has a story and how they touch each person.
Thank You, Jesus for Your healing touch. Victory and freedom, indeed! Yes & Amen.
That’s really beautiful and I like the different ways the Lord confirms things 🙂