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Touched Deeply

A friend of mine gave a Dyed4you scarf as a gift to a dear friend of hers – it encouraged me to hear how the Lord had blessed her with it:

Thank you for the awesome silk scarf – BOLD PASSION. Here is a picture of me wearing it. Laurette gave it to me for Christmas.

The scriptures the Lord led you to for me were “right on” and I cried when I read your letter – they expressed exactly the experience I have been journeying through with our LORD for the past few months. I am seeking that baptism of fire as I lead praise and worship!

The colors and their meanings also express my heart towards God. “Going deep with God,” “pursuit with intention” and “passion” – all speak of my current journey. The fact that He would show all that to you, touches me deeply and tells me the He loves me very much.

I am honored to be a “trusted vessel of the Lord’s” and accept the greater authority He gives me with fear (reverence) and trembling. I receive it with great JOY as I share His anointing through praise and worship and my PraiseMoves ministries.

Thank you for being a beautiful willing vessel in your unique ministry of Dyed4You. May God continue to bless and prosper you.

View 11×60 crepe fringe on Dyed4you

4 thoughts on “Touched Deeply

  1. That is one incredibly STUNNING silk! Beautiful testimony 🙂

  2. What a beautiful scarf and beautiful lady !! May God fill you and baptize you with fire and His holy presence to lead your worship and others into the presence of the Lord for in his presence is fullness of joy. I pray for the anointing for it is what breaks the yoke. Fill her to oveflowing and may she experience a new intamacy with you Lord and draw closer to you as she leads worship and is in your presence. Deep calls to deep !!

  3. Beautiful scarf and a lovely testimony. Our God is so amazing!!!!

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