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Gaze Upon His Face Voi Pair

A pair of 35×85 voi called Gaze Upon His Face. I always love watching these move – so beautiful!

The music is from the live worship album Speak to the Dreams, which contains original and spontaneous songs from my church (it’s my pastor, Jim Stern, singing the lead).Β  I highly recommend it, but I may be biased ;) You can get it on iTunes.

View 35×85 / Voi

7 thoughts on “Gaze Upon His Face Voi Pair

  1. these are beatiful Meghan!!! I love to watch them flow………… At one time it looked like the wheels on a chariot πŸ™‚

  2. Beautiful! One of these days…

  3. He is Jesus – King of kings & Lord of lords!

    Beautiful flags – since they come in two, could one request that one of them be flipped & the chord attached on the other side of the material so that the last colors were switched to opposite ends?

    I never thought of moving my arms at 2 different times BUT it looked amazing.

    He always has us in His gaze…

  4. I was watching your silks in the background move as you worshiped with the voi! STIR the atmosphere!!! πŸ™‚

  5. @Marjorie – great questions! And YES you absolutely could request that – great idea πŸ™‚ Also, just an FYI – you don’t have to buy a pair, you can get a single also, which is beautiful as well. Here’s a link to an example:

    @Christine – I love seeing that too πŸ™‚
    @Tami – You are right! I had a similar thought πŸ™‚

  6. I have never seen this type of flag. They are stunningly beautiful! It looked as if you created portals on either side as you worshipped, encouraging all who watch to enter in and Gaze Upon Him. Thank you for sharing. God Bless.

  7. so beautiful as a pair! I have a wing and the yellow is the part that is over my head when I use it as a prayer shawl. It is so awesome that way, like my face is hidden and covered by the His Glory as I Gaze Upon His Face. Just beautiful as a pair too. Wow!

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