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Gift from a Stranger

I love getting to share this story with you all because it demonstrates one of the reasons I love the Dyed4you community so much! 

I had posted a Dyed4you Facebook status that I was going to be doing some dyeing and someone posted a brief prayer for my dyeing session. Shellie commented directly after that saying. “Amen I agree with that and someday hopefully soon Ima buy myself one of those beauties! To GOD be the GLORY”

The Lord moved on the heart of the woman who had posted the prayer and instructed her to purchase a scarf for Shellie. So I contacted Shellie and told her someone had purchased a scarf for her and asked for her mailing address to send it to. During the time that it took for me to make and ship the scarf, Shellie figured out who the gift-giver was and they became Facebook friends. 🙂

When the scarf arrived she posted comments on both our Facebook walls. On mine she wrote:

I got my scarf and OH I LOVE IT!!!! The colors are just awesome, love the word that goes with it! The scriptures and the meanings are just perfect! A passionate Bride with a Warrior’s Heart! and I do this through my Praise. Love to war in my dance and just want more of Him always. I am so blessed!!!!! =)=)=)=)=)=)=)

And on the gift-giver’s wall she wrote:

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I got my scarf today and am in awe of it forgot to tell Meghan that I get goose bumps every time I hold it! the colors and meaning is right on and the scriptures she gave me with are great word to my heart! THANK YOU again! I am wearing to church tomorrow! =)=)=)=)=)=)=)

I love how God works.  I love how He can move through our selfless actions to bless someone else.  I guess the thought I hope you walk away with is not “wow I hope someone does that for me” but rather “who can I bless today?”

I don’t say that as a plug for you to buy more Dyed4you scarves (though this definitely is not the only time someone has used a D4Y scarf this way and the testimonies are often incredible), but rather when we live with this mindset of being open to the Lord’s nudge to give or serve or bless in whatever way He instructs, as the giver, we will always be as blessed as the recipient – and often even more so. 🙂

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9 thoughts on “Gift from a Stranger

  1. What a beautiful story! Just like Father God to move someones heart in that way! God Bless the giver! God Bless the receiver! and God Bless the artist who he chose to be a stewart of his blessings.

    God Bless you

  2. Oh, tears ~ thisis the Bride moving as He intends her to ~ As HE does. Beautiful colors, too ~ what an awesome reflection of the many ways He leads His creation to create after His Own Heart.

  3. Beautiful scarf, Beautiful women of God!! We serve such a amazing GOD!!!!! All Glory to HIM!!!!

  4. Sweet! It is always fun to give–but it seems it’s especially fun to give a Dyed4you scarf!!!! 🙂 What a way to touch someone else with God’s love! <3

  5. This so encouraged me today. A testimony of how the Lord gives each of us the desires of our heart and also, how the Spirit of the Lord is just sweeping across His chosen ones and consuming them with a deep sense of humility and searvanthood. Prepearing His bride. I love it!!!!

  6. I know from being the recipient of gifted scarves that there is no gift comparable in my book. I am so looking forward to being able to the same. Beautiful scarf and story! Our God is so good!

  7. Beautiful reflection of what God would have us be and do. Blessed to be a blessing.

  8. Bless the giver and the recievers in this story. I only checked this site out becuase a lady on Kim Clement’s FB page said this was where Kim Clement recieved his mantle. WOW!
    I am constantly amazed how Our Beloved moves and what gifts of treasures He pulls out from the givers. I’ve been sick with 3rd bout of bronchitis in a month. I asked the church van driver , if she would pick some throat spray and Robitussin and chicken noodle soup for me. God bless Shari! Not only did she pick them up, but she got a “spriny” gift bag and added Milan cookies, Club crackers and pretty petals hand cream..topped of with snazzy tissue paper!
    I was ready to write a check and she said, “No this is my gift to you…..your life has…..”
    I knew then that my precious heavenly Father was reaping back to me my gifts of time spent sowing into others’ lives. I’m not bragging, believe me, my God is so good!

  9. Very beautiful and special. I love Abba and especially how He uses others in the Dyed4you community to bless others 🙂 Unexpected blessings from a Daddy who eagerly anticipates lavishing His children with good gifts.

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