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Kim Clement’s Mantle

I confess this was a really fun scarf sighting for me 🙂  Someone purchased a 14×72 silk/wool scarf (mantle) for Kim Clement and had me send it as an anonymous gift.  It was mailed out January 17th and we prayed that it would reach him safely and be a blessing.

Tonight I found out that not only did he show the mantle during his broadcast, but he read the scarf letter too!  I’ve posted some screen shots and the audio below for those who are interested.  God bless Kim and his ministry and God bless the one who bought him the gift 😉

[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Audio of Kim Clement talking about Dyed4you” dl=”″]

One favorite moment for me are when she finished reading the scarves and the colors and Kim says, “Isn’t that beautiful?” I love how God blesses people 🙂

I also loved his specific thank you to the gift giver. He said, “It’s absolutely beautiful, I love the color dealie. That is so beautiful… thank you so much. And it’s also a word to me personally, thank you thank you.”

View 14×72 Silk/Wool

And a thank you to Jacob for telling me it had happened and where I could see it! 🙂

22 thoughts on “Kim Clement’s Mantle

  1. Well, Meghan ~ I’m weeping. And weeping.

    Emotion are deep and even feel personal. I do hope that is because of “rejoicing when my brother rejoices” …

    I am sooooooo moved by the fact that you did all that you did BEFORE you knew who it was for ~ I think ~ well, some things just need to be left unsaid. No, I’m gonna say it ~ that’s the REAL DEAL Prophet in action. Yee HAW.

    The implications are thundering in ~ the mantle Kim was directed to wear and its purpose ~ the assignment given to you by the Holy Spirit to be the one to design both mantle and prophetic word ~ and all the places that mantle will go ~ all part of a well crafted plan by our Master Designer. Not saying what I’m seeing ~ how ’bout wowie, zowie WOW.

    YAY GOD.

  2. Sweet! I love Kim and it’s awesome to see him with a Dyed4you piece. Of course, the word is so on target. But we all know that’s just the way it’s done at Dyed4you! Praying you and this intercessor are blessed beyond measure!

  3. God is going to increase your ministry Meghan. God always confirms His words that we speak and pray over others . know you are covered under the shadow of His wings giving you protection from the enemy. A hedge of protection is about you and your ministry and household. God bless whoever did this act of kindness but bless you for your obedience !! We never know how much it blesses someone until we hear their story !!

  4. WOW! That is so awesome! God is totally amazing… <3

  5. That is just beautiful, actually not shocked though. You will reach global masses sharing God’s expression of love with your ministry. Girlfriend truly you ain’t seen nothing yet!!!

  6. YEA GOD!! Meghan just reading what everyone else wrote just filled my JOY tank! Well I am happy and excited for you! DO IT GOD, FOR YOUR KINGDOM’S GLORY! IN JESUS NAME! Blessings!

  7. Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
    Wow–have to agree with all 5 of my sisters!
    How truly exciting, inspiring and humbling this must be for you Meghan!
    God is just so amazing, awesome, wonderful and mind-blowing!
    What I think is so touching is that your obedience in actions and in hearing the words from the Holy Spirit first of all confirmed and encouraged a mighty man in the Kingdom—but then how sweet for your words and actions to be confirmed by someone who definitely hears the Lord!
    Meghan, as you stay obedient and humble, the Lord is going to continue to raise you up in influence and territory. He is expanding your tent!!!
    Love you and rejoicing with you!

  8. I can see the Joy in Kims eyes over this wonderful gift. I can see that He was not only encouraged but his spirit was lifted by this gift. Sometimes we forget that the five fold ministry has needs of being ministered too as well. They are constantly giving to others and are constantly in His presence to be filled again and sometimes doubt and frustration can creep in from the lack of reward that we dont see here on earth (because we know our reward is in heaven). A simple non complicated gift that encourages and lifts the body of Christ is essential. I encourage all of us to get a gift for your pastoral staff just because of who they are in Christ and to show your appreciation for their sacrifices that they make on our behalf as they serve the Lord. If you cant afford a gift, a simple letter written to them to say how much you appreciate them is always encouraging. I urge us all to be encouragers of God’s people who serve in any capacity. Take a second look at the janitor in your church, I bet you will see him or her behind the pulpit one day and Im not even sure if they know it. When we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, He will lift us up.

    Thanks Meghan for your obedience and having an ear to hear from the Lord.

  9. Perfect, Meghan! Absolutely perfect!

    The Lord confirms His Word with SIGNS following. Oh, there is definitely more to come! How exciting this is! Glory to God!!!

    Faithful and true. You’re just like your Father.

  10. Wow. That is so cool! I can only imagine what God has done and continues to do through you!!! I am so excited to see what else God has planned!!!

  11. Glory to God! Powerful & beautiful to see the name of Jesus be lifted high & poured forth like fragrant oil. Such a sweet agreement between heaven & earth right now 🙂 I pray that Kim and his ministry and Dyed4you continually be shielded, protected, and defended as they deliver and proclaim the Word of the Lord unto all the earth. What a blessing!

  12. AWESOME!!!!

  13. Greetings in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

    I stubled across your website a few weeks back,. as I too am a Prophetic Prazer. I Was So thrilled to see, another Warrior, { Bless Prophet Kim } in such an AMAZING way! As I know this {Mantle} Blessed him in so many ways….. As it will continue to do so.. Just wanted to say {Thanks} for such a Prayferful and Creative Ministry. (May You and Your Household and Business be BLEST a hundred times over. }As we know our Father, as one who MULTIPLIES… Thanks again and keep up the Great Work,,, May all you do Prosper and Continue to grow in His ANNOINTING….


  14. @ Holly, AMEN!!!

    This is an amazing testimony!!! God is so Good!!

  15. This was such an awesome testomony. I had heard about on his web site. Meghan you are so wonderful and it is cool to see how the Lord uses us in all different ways.

  16. WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!! Get ready for the EXPLOSION!!!
    Bless you Meghan!

  17. I agree with Donelda…explosion of greater flow in creativity & sensitivity between you & the Holy Spirit; greater intimacy & fellowship between you & Adonai, and a sweeter & greater flow of the character, love, and resurrection power of Jesus Christ pour forth as rushing, mighty Living waters. Like an underground revolution, a secret ops division that equips the called, chosen, courageous, and anointed—so let it be with Dyed4you Ministries. May the covering of His wings hide, protect, and defend you always; May His angels who are given charge over you continue to battle for you & the angelic presence be increased as those called to intercede for you, Allen, and Dyed4you Ministries join together in unity to put tens of thousands to flight. Thank you Abba for watchmen on the wall of Dyed4you Ministries. Thank you eyes are open at all times to see, and ears open to hear with an incredible sensitivity to You, Adonai; that they are interceding around the clock co-laboring with You, Yeshua, who never sleeps not slumbers. All glory to Your name that is above every name for You are HOLY, Lord God Almighty ~ amen.

  18. Amen. Wow, LORD! Smile upon us, as we trust You. How great is your love for Your people. Go, Meghan go:)

  19. How awesome is the greatness of our God. I love that God works the same today as He did in the beginning. He uses each of us for His purpose to fulfill a grander plan than we could ever imagine ourselves. I think God must be amused at how we try to figure Him out, the different ways in which we come up with on how He will move in our lives or through others.

    I am thankful that His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. This is what encourages us to continue to be God-seekers and worshippers of Him who sends us to do His will here on earth.

    Im glad that Dyed4you was able to be the vessel that God used to bless Kim Clement. Sometimes it can be difficult to be obedient to the Word of God, especially when He asks us to do what we think is “awkward”. This is when I get realy excited because this is when I know it isnt me. Im not moving in the unction of my own abilities. He chooses these awkward moments to confound the wise. Something I would never do, God would say “do”, “go”, “say” and I say as Jesus has taught us to say, “not my will be done, but Your will be done”.

    So if I can encourage you in anyway today, let it be this: Continue in the good work that God has laid out for you. Follow Him as He leads you in all you think, say or do and know that without a doubt, that your reward is in heaven and that it is God who anoints your hands to do His work, he anoints your mouth as you speak His Word and He anoints your mind as you ponder on Him who sent you to fulfill the will of the Father.

    I love what God is doing in the Dyed4You Ministry. He will make you more than able to fulfill all He has plannedfor you.

    Love Always, April

  20. WOW this is awesome Meghan I saw Kim Clement several years ago a true prophet of God.. What a blessing and I love the name the Lord gave you 🙂 Be blessed in all you do for the Kingdom

  21. Hello. I just wanted to let you know that I love the look of your prayer fabrics and the fact that they can be used in so many different ways. But more than that I love the way that they are created prophetically. It’s a very unique expression of how God can use something as simple as dieing fabric…I say simple not to say it is an easy process…just as the prophetic expressions that God did through His prophets was different in what He used and who He used…it should show people that just because what they do is not necessarily labeled as a prophetic tool…God can still use whatever they do to speak to someone. Do not say that what you have is not important to God…only say what God says about it. God bless you and your ministry…and always expect God to show you new and creative ways to bring about His desire for each prophetic piece.

  22. What a testimony to the prophetic nature of the scarves! I love the idea !

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