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Speaking to the Depths of her Being

A beautiful scarf story from our teacher-friend who had the amazing Class of Scarves story last year.  I covet your prayers for my friend as well – I’m sure the Lord will direct them as you read her beautiful story below:

Wow God! I am literally speechless. (for me that’s amazing ) My scarf and oil arrived yesterday and it was so profound. First of all, the oil is amazing. It has such a sweet smell of Jesus yet the anointing on the oil is tremendous. It literally brought me to tears when I opened it. It was like God’s presence just flooded me in that moment. Once I could see past my tears (smile) I just gazed in amazement at my scarf.

You truly captured the beauty of the Lord and placed it all over that scarf. It was so perfect – the smell, the colors and the meanings utterly floored me. I know that I initially contacted you with concern and a request for you to agree in prayer with me for my husband, but I never was expecting the precious letter the Lord sent about me. I of course was expecting a word from Him, but I was convinced it would give me words and guidance for my husband and my marriage, but the message was so different.

You see, the letter just confirmed for me that the Lord is hearing my heart’s cry, that I am walking exactly the way that he wants me to, I am pressing in and He is noticing. The glory that He speaks of that He wants to cover me is absolutely amazing. To be compared to the way he met with Moses to how he wants to meet with me blew me away. I mean MOSES – he met with the Lord face to face!! There is even more though. Once I reached the bottom of the letter, I lost it.

You see, I have been struggling with feeling less than in my walk with the Lord, less than in my marriage, less than in my abilities to teach dance and had even contemplated giving up on my dream to open a dance school. My husband has been less than encouraging so that has made it quite difficult in this season as well. The enemy has been attacking my mind left and right and trying to discourage me in EVERYTHING I do.

So you can imagine when the Lord said in the letter ” You are not forgotten, overlooked, unimportant, lacking gifts and talents – do not give thought to the enemy’s taunts, but rather think upon what is good and perfect and true. you are cherished, beautiful, gifted, treasured, and the LORD has good things planned for you! His eyes are fixed upon you- “the King is enthralled with your beauty…” That spoke to the very depths of my being.

The Lord is so awesome. Awesome is not even an adequate word to describe Him, but I don’t believe there are any earthly words to do justice.

Meghan-thank you again from he bottom of my heart. You have blessed me exceedingly more than I had even expected. I continue to covet your prayers and look forward to giving you a victory report. Also thank you for the artwork. It’s gorgeous!

View 22×72 – or find out more about personal prophetic artwork

8 thoughts on “Speaking to the Depths of her Being

  1. I love it, I tell the Lord often that there isn’t a word good enough to describe Him.

  2. This touched my heart. There is NO ONE like my Father. : ) God bless you all. I look forward to placing my order soon. Blessings.

  3. She’s one very special woman of God. Expecting nothing less than than the absolute best from the King for her 🙂 Like the scarf in the artwork!

  4. So looking forward to receiving and seeing my scarf and seeing what Father God has to say to me thru it!

  5. That was beautiful <3

  6. Wow! All I can say is wow! Our God, our Father is so awesome. He loves us so much. I was really encouraged reading her story.

  7. Beautiful story about God’s love for us

  8. so precious! 🙂

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