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Birthday Blessing

A fun testimony from a mom who received a scarf from her daughter for her birthday.  The mom had won a scarf previously in one of our blog giveaways, apparently she had been so blessed by it and so excited about it that she talked about it all the time, so when her birthday rolled around her daughter knew JUST what to get!

Here’s what Mom shared about her birthday blessing:

This was just so perfect for me, you would have to understand my prayer life with the Father. Sometimes I feel like I pray the most childlike prayers, I am not one of these people who can pray the most beautiful prayers. I simply talk to Father like I would talk with you, Meghan, if you were in front of me. I don’t like praying in front of others because others usually say all the right things the right way and when I mess up it is ok because He always knows what I meant to say anyway. I have to say the trust issue is right on course, there isn’t anything I don’t take to him, even bad hair days. I know if it concerns me then it concerns Him for me. His love is that great for me. Anyway thank you for following His leading and may His blessings just envelop you.

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4 thoughts on “Birthday Blessing

  1. This would be the best birthday present any could get…for me any way. I won a scraf also and it was the most precious thing I could have ever won. I was so blessed by it!

  2. I agree – best gift ever! I relate with her on the praying too – I always have to remind myself that’s not what matters and He knows my heart. If I try to be like others it never comes out right anyhow. He doesn’t compare us any how!

  3. How sweet! Makes me think about the simplicity in Christ that it sounds like the mom has. Those who trust Him and take everything to Him–they are the ones with the intimate and sweet relationship with Father God. Open, transperent, everything just laid out in front of Him. That’s what He really wants. God doesn’t need our fancy and flourshing prayers-He wants our hearts–just the way we are. No facades. No show. Just real. Sounds like that’s what you’ve got! May every day get sweeter and sweeter and fuller and fuller as you walk hand in hand with Abba. 🙂

  4. What a preciuos gift to recieve for a birthday present!! I am the same way with my prayers, don’t like to pray out loud in front of other people. I worry of saying the wrong thing and it not sounding right. But God does know my heart and knows what I am praying for. I have members at my church that like to give me little pushes, LOL I can pray the most beuatiful prayers when I am alone 🙂 He is working in me and I will be able to pray more open in front of people, he is doing the same for you to.

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