Posted on 63 Comments

Breakthrough for Husband Giveaway

I’m doing another giveaway! I just made this “man scarf”(aka 6×24) called Breakthrough (same scarf in the Strong in the Lord Dyed4you Art image) and the Lord said it needed to go to a husband of someone in the Dyed4you community. I’m not certain if it will be given as a gift to the husband or used in warfare on behalf of him… but it’s “for” him.

So, here’s the way this is going to work. To enter simply put ONLY the first name of your husband in a comment below. DO NOT give more information than just the first name or your entry will not count (and will be deleted). You will have until Midnight Sunday CST (in other words, 12:01 am CST Monday is too late) to enter. Be sure the email you supply when making the comment is accurate and correct because we will email the winner to get shipping info. The winner will be selected through prayer and ALL the names entered will be prayed over for breakthrough regardless of if they win! (I’d ask you ALL to join in prayer on that!!!)

Once the winner is selected (which will be by the end of next week), an email will be sent to them notifying them of having won. They’ll have 48 hrs to respond, if the do not respond in 48 hrs a different winner will be selected until a response if given in the 48 hr timeframe. PLEASE be sure to check your spam folders! Or add our email (info [*at*] dyed4you [*dot*] com – except in normal email format) to your contacts list. Once we have shipping info, we’ll drop it in the mail to you!

To recap:

  • Enter by putting first name ONLY of your hubby in a comment below being sure to enter your correct email address
  • Entries received 12:01 am CST Monday or later will not be included
  • We’ll pray over all the entries and select the one who will receive the scarf
  • The winner will be contacted via email and has 48 hrs to respond
  • If the winner doesn’t respond in 48 hrs a new winner will be selected until someone responds in the 48 hr time period
  • We’ll ship the scarf out to the winner 🙂

If you have questions – contact us! And by the way, if you are a man (and a husband), feel free to enter yourself!

View 6×24


Victoria won for her husband Steve. Beautiful confirmation during the prayer time as the winner was selected, the Lord gave us a word of knowledge about Steve which Victoria confirmed. Go God!!!

63 thoughts on “Breakthrough for Husband Giveaway

  1. J.J.

  2. Paul

  3. Jonathan

  4. Jeremy

  5. Blake

  6. Steve

  7. Dan

  8. Michael

  9. Dale

  10. Darrell

  11. Mike

  12. Mike

  13. Steve

  14. Mark

  15. James

  16. STEVE

  17. George

  18. David

  19. Brandon

  20. Jeff

  21. Eddie

  22. Joe

  23. Andy

  24. Jedidiah

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