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Forgiveness Healing

I love this story – too often we hesitate to ask for forgiveness because it requires us to humble ourselves. And yet it’s exactly what the word exhorts us to do!  We need to be obedient to bring freedom and healing – this is a beautiful testimony of such a moment…

To set the story up a bit, the scarf’s name is Healing Flow and it was won by this recipient during one of our Blog Giveaways.  I love how even in a giveaway – God is moving.

I can share with you that the first healing was my own, it was a spiritual healing that was 14 years in the making. A forgiveness healing, me having to ask for forgiveness for a past transgression.

For about a month I had had a feeling and couldn’t seem to get it straight if it was of God or not, it would come and go. I had been praying for a spirit of discernment and thought this was just God’s way of teaching me about that but then this feeling would not go away and after praying more and more over time and seeking His will about it I believe it was for me to approach this lady and ask for her forgiveness.

I had prayed for her to be receptive and I had been at the altar at church praying and the minute I stood up I knew it was the time, I happened to have my scarf in my hand and when I went to her I wrapped it around both of our wrists so we would be bound together.

I confessed my sin and she told me she had forgiven me 14 years ago but I knew she didn’t know the extent of the transgression and that was what I had to share. So I do believe the original healing flow was to go through me before it can be used by me, if that makes any sense to you. I like the term you used in one of your blogs about Jehovah Sneaky, he does His work in mysterious ways.

Meghan my desire is to be a willing vessel for God’s glory but I know my short comings and I know how easy it would be for me to be so proud of being used by Him, but I want Him to have all the glory for anything done. I am just pleased that He would allow me to be a part of it…

I truly love you and your ministry… I enjoy reading all about it. When my days are hard and life is ugly I just go to your site and read and refresh.

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8 thoughts on “Forgiveness Healing

  1. Now THAT’S a giveaway scarf and testimony 🙂 Love it!

  2. Amen!

  3. I love this! When I read that she wrapped her scarf around both of their wrists, I caught my breath & tears welled up in my eyes. That prophetic act was perfect – so like God to use something unusual to speak directly to the heart what mere words cannot convey.

  4. Wow! It takes a lot of courage to confess and ask for forgiveness but we can only do this with God’s grace! Love this testimony!

  5. great testimony! Jehova Sneaky! spot on, He sneaks right up on us with His overwhelming Love. I will have to share Jehova Sneaky with a friend of mine. She has a lot of names for Abba, her grandson gave her His latest name, Jehove Ta-Da!

  6. What a beautiful testimony. I loved the part were she says she wrapped the scarf around both of them. I was seeing a contection that could not be broken!! Father Gods just keeps on amazing me.

    Beuatiful, Beautiful.. God bless you!

  7. WOW…. beautiful scarf, beautiful testimony about the ways of our Beautiful God!

  8. Courage is needed for forgivness indeed. We must humble ourselves.

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