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Peace Against Warfare

This silk was an interesting one because as it was being birthed a song came forth too! So I recorded it and uploaded a video of it with the camera facing the silk. When we looked at the video, a face was apparent in the silk – it was especially funny because several people who DON’T normally see things in the silk saw it because it was so clear.

Later I got a testimony from the recipient:

Meghan, I felt it was time to respond to your generosity in blessing me with a scarf, card, song of the Lord, fragrance and scented scarf called Jehovah Rohi, I was so blessed.

I operate in the Office of the Prophet and as a Warrior with a ministry, Cultivate the Harvest. I have been under attack since being part of Kim Clements ministry as a dancer in Detroit. Flags are a big part of worship.

I came under attack and I could not dance anymore and became bedridden with physical pain. Having warfare every night pleading the blood having sleep disturbances. I was lead to go to you after I saw you blessed Kim Clement, God said to me, Now go ask.

Since receiving and it was a great blessing, I would have to cover my head in the scarf every night to obtain peace and rest. The minute I lay my head down the warfare would begin, I would use the healing oil and the scarf every night by applying the scarf over my head as a covering to manifest Jehovah Rohi in the face of opposition.

I wear the scarf when I speak at churches around my neck tied in a knot. This gift from Dyed4you is a great blessing. Never take your ministry for granted.

One other thing that was interesting about this scarf was that normally, there’s no shimmer on it, but with this one God had me add gold shimmer. Here’s what He shared with her about those:

When I received the scarf the paint drippings of gold were interpreted to me as His tears.

He’s so good 🙂

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12 thoughts on “Peace Against Warfare

  1. All around lovely and beautiful!

  2. Another victory in the Kingdom of God. Thank you for your loving and tender care of us Jahova Rohi.

  3. Amen. What a beautiful and powerful savior Who loved us first. Only Messiah Jesus can love like this:)


  5. That is awesome!!!!!!!! What a blessing !

  6. Beautiful Story. He is faithful and covers us with his wings.

  7. What a joy to love and serve such an intimate Lord! Over and over I see how lovely it is that He has placed us with each other to minister His love and peace!

  8. That is AWESOME!!! ON TIME GOD:) YES HE IS <3

  9. Thank you for blessing her

  10. Driven to this post today by the Lord 🙂 What a timely word and beautiful song 🙂

  11. Amazing!

  12. I woke up with this sweet song in my head this morning!

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