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Beauty (Prophetic Portrait) Testimony

If you didn’t see the post about the BEAUTIFUL prophetic portrait Alison Louise made me entitled Beauty, you will want to check that out first, because this is my testimony about how the Lord spoke to me through this beautiful piece of prophetic art.

It was so fun to have someone create a piece of personal prophetic art for me like I get to do for all of you!  In this video I also share a little on prophetic art in general. I hope it blesses you 🙂

Visit “Beauty” on the Freedom Colours

15 thoughts on “Beauty (Prophetic Portrait) Testimony

  1. Don’t you love it when God speaks to you? How neat that this painting is a love letter from God to you!

  2. lol – i tried to watch this and the computer i’m sitting at here at work has a non-functioning audio port. so i watched it for awhile, trying to lip-read.

    hehe – you are so filled with Joy!!!!

  3. Great to hear all the details of how this spoke to you. Especially hearing first how Alison created it. It is so wonderful to see you blessed in a way that you bless others every day. You are such a remarkable woman, Meghan, and obviously, God thinks so too. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  4. Awesome! It’s a beautiful potrait.

  5. I agree with Donelda! It is fun to see you so excited! Isaiah 61 is one of my life verses. Actually, Rick and Donelda have my “Isaiah 61:3” painting at their store right now. Anyway, loved hearing your testimony!!!!

  6. Your excitement is so contagious! I absolutely love it! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you this next nine or so months! 😀 Blessings to you Meghan!

  7. I enjoyed to watch you bubbling with excitement and to see your face just glowing! 🙂
    How cool that God planned this just for you and with so much rich detail.!!

  8. I agree with Pamela, am anxious to see what the next few months hold for you. I am so glad you got to experience what the rest of us do with receiving a prophetic work of art. Blessing to you my friend.

  9. Meghan, this has so blessed me! it was so wonderful to see your excitement at how God spoke to you through the prophetic portrait, I am so encouraged that God used me in that way to create it to bless you, it’s also great to hear that what I had for you was in line with what is going on in your life… it helps to have that confirmation. I had wondered why after God gave me the initial vision he also had me to paint a great big Rose in the middle and that btw was the first thing i painted after the background, it just emerged and then I felt God prompting me that it was to be a Rose, and then you say on the vid its also your fav flower and the only one you don’t get an allergic reation too……Wow! Go God! He is great isn’t He :))))… p.s I was moved to tears watching this…

  10. Hi Meghan, I just wanted to share, how I know Alison electronically through being introduced to her by a friend on Facebook. So many times what she has been creating or saying has been so in tune with what’s happening in my life. I am eternally grateful for her obedient and listening spirit.

    When I saw this painting online a while ago, it spoke to me on so many levels & I asked her for a print. I am so overwhelmingly happy to hear the testimony behind who the painting was for, and it will be another key to another door opening in my spiritual journey with my Papa. And to have an interpretation into the Hebrew Israel. I am a leader of an infant Lone Parent Family ministry & worshipper & on a path to truly open up to Him …

    Thank you for sharing & be blessed, especially with the baby/ies!!

    Praise God for He is so awesome in His power, and His timing is so perfect, and the fact that He talk with us is so absolutely amazing!

    Love in Christ sister,
    Alix in Poole, England : )x

  11. i watched it twice now.. with sound. you could very well be one of my friends from school – i love all the giggling and bubbling and giddiness around your hubbage!!! i love His Joy in you, such a blessing!

  12. This is so much fun to watch and it’s such a blessing seeing you blessed like you’ve blessed me and so many others. The painting is awesome even without knowing all the significance and even more precious hearing your side.

  13. It’s fun to watch your excitement 🙂 That’s a very cool and amazing testimony. EVen more amazing it came from half way around the world 🙂 Only the Lord. Beautiful!

  14. Your giggles are contiguous. I really enjoyed hearing how the painting ministered to you. Our Lord is so awesome to bless us in such personal ways.

  15. OMGosh, I love your story. The Lord has said Isaiah 61 is Me, and actually he used that with the Resurrection Beauty Silk which brought Healing to my Kidney. You are sooo adorable and recently when you ask for prayers I get to praying and begin to weep with the depths God is taking you with Dyed4you. Just soooo beautiful and looking forward to the future dyed4you baby hehe…Love you

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