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Blessed by How God Sees Her

Loved hearing this story of the Lord using silk as a way to witness to someone who needs to know the love of God!

Just wanted to let you know something truly amazing that happened today! I had ordered a small prayer cloth sized prophetically dyed scarf to wear as a bracelet. After I ordered I was being kinda hard on myself. I felt inadequate. The scarf came in and it was called Godly Beauty.

I was with an unsaved friend today that I have been praying about how to witness to her without having her shut me out. She is respectful of my christian lifestyle but has made it clear she wants no part of it. Today we were talking and I began telling her of the miracle of my son for the like 100th time she started to cry and the door was opening.

She began telling me how gaining weight and feeling ugly had really taken a horrible toll on her. That many times she sat with a bottle of muscle relaxers and water and contemplated ending it because her relationship is bad and she feels her looks and weight are to blame.

All of a sudden God spoke to me that I should give it to her. I did and told her not only is she beautiful on the outside but God thinks shes pretty amazing on the inside and he is just waiting on her to give all her hurt to him. She started crying telling me how much it meant to her and after I explained how you pray over each one individually and told her my own experience with the scarf she was amazed!

Thank you so much for being faithful in your ministry! You helped me reach someone that most people would give up on! I know she will be serving God with me before long! 🙂 God bless you

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15 thoughts on “Blessed by How God Sees Her

  1. Awesome story! Praise God, He is SO faithful!

  2. There is so much hidden hurt in people today. Only God knows what is hidden away and needs to be healed .Thanks for sharing.

  3. amazing- I love when God does things like that! His love endures forever!

  4. It is through our inadequacies that the Lord is able to use us. That is the time when we rely on Him the most because we know we can’t do it in ourselves. May God bless you abundantly for your obedience.

  5. Oh wow…what a tremendous testimony…thank you, Father, for using something as simple as a scarf to change a life!!!

  6. Thank you GOD for loving those who don’t love them selves. I thank you for this ministry you have placed in Meghan and i praise you for never giving up on the hurting and lost.I pray you bless Meghan with all she needs to do as you direct her to.

  7. His amazing love will always move me! Everyone is so precious to him if we could just get past the lies and see it ourselves. Again, another reason why I love this ministry!

  8. This is such a beautiful story. I know the feeling and hurt of hearing that someone wants to end their life, that they feel worthless and have know purpuse in this world. God loves all his children and wants all us to come to know him and learn of his love. To come and sit in his lap and rest.

    God is so pleased with your Faithful and obediance to him. I to believe that she will be serving Christ with you one day too.

    We Praise you Lord!!

  9. This testimony brings tears to my eyes. I can identify with the despair this young woman was in and I am in awe of how powerful God’s love is! Praise Him for breaking down yet another wall to touch and heal His creation! Blessings to the dear woman who had a giving heart and a sensitive spirit to hear the Lord and heed His words!

  10. Amazing the things GOD can and will do when we are obedient to Him. Dorrs open, hearts change, things happen in the Presence of the LORD, AMEN and AMEN great testimony

  11. Even in our darkest moments of despair – God uses the smallest of tools in the most magnanimous way! I love our God. Meghan testimony AGAIN of your value in all our lives. WHHOOO HOOOOO!!!

  12. Amen! I am crying too! What a sweet and tender way to be able to share God’s love with someone!!!

  13. What a beautiful story. Praying for the woman who received this scarf and needs the love of God in her life. Blessings to the giver. You will reap in the same measure you have sown. And God orchestrated it all. How cool is that?

  14. beautiful scarf and even more beautiful testimony.

  15. Beautiful testimony & one I think so many of us identify with. He is faithful 🙂

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