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Heads-Up on Shimmer

I know that many of you LOVE shimmer and so do I which is why I don’t want to do away with it, but the fact of the matter is that the shimmering process per scarf actually takes as long or longer than the dyeing process, which is why in the not too distant future I’m going to have to start charging for shimmer.

It will be an add on like the gift bags are.  You also will be able to add Hebrew lettering in shimmer, which will be a different add on (see example below).  I’m still praying over how to structure the pricing, but because of how the process of adding it goes it will likely be a flat fee regardless of size (or number of letters). Your prayers for wisdom on this are greatly appreciated as always!

View Hebrew Lettering

7 thoughts on “Heads-Up on Shimmer

  1. I see silk screening in your future, maybe for the tallit lettering! It’s really pretty.

  2. As often as I wear the scarf you’ve made me, I don’t have any good pictures yet, but soon! (off topic I know)

  3. @Nickol – this is exactly how I do the lettering for the tallits 🙂

  4. Shimmering is Beautiful!!!

  5. Abba, I ask for you to grant wisdom and favor to my sister Meghan. Amen

  6. LOVE the shimmering! One of my scarves has a beautiful copper that means so much to me! I stand in agreement for favor and wisdom for Meghan, it is a blessing to have the option of shimmering nomatter the cost!

  7. my friend this blessing me this moring, powerful just like wene we read bible you read but don’t see the frist time but go back and you have insite by sprit. this is happen this moring. i am crying and humble . love you girl judy

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