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Wind & Fire Flag

This is a flag the Lord had been showing me for a few weeks to make and use in intercession during worship at church. Several commented it was “right on” which was wonderful confirmation.

The first video below is me using it at home so you can see it well and the second is my hubby using it during worship.

It is a special order 55×108″ flag.

View special order

8 thoughts on “Wind & Fire Flag

  1. This is just beautiful, love to watch how it flows. As it flows I could feel peace. BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  2. I love it! The wind and fire theme is everywhere right now- in the spirit and natural. Very timely!

  3. Goosebumps! With both videos… So cool to get to flag at your home church!

  4. Awesome

  5. love it, it is beautiful but i havent seen one yet that isnt truly amazing. I pray God continue to bless you in the talent and calling He has placed in you.

  6. One of the coolest things is to see a Man of God worshiping. Love the flag 🙂

  7. I cant decide if it reminds me of the clouds rushing by or a river of living water… I am mezmerized by the beauty..

  8. Again, beautiful creation from the heart of God.

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