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Periodically, I will get asked to do a dyeing workshop or having someone asking me to teach them how to dye (or asking technical dyeing-related questions via email or the blog), so I thought it would be good for me to explain how and when I teach people to dye and why.

Let me begin by saying I do NOT believe within the body of Christ we should be in competition with one another. I believe that the Lord has a role for each of us and we need to work with Him to determine what that is and go do it. I am actively in relationship with others who do things similar to Dyed4you and have sent people to order from them in the past when pricing or products from the other individual will meet the need better than what I can create.


The only people I want buying from Dyed4you are the ones that GOD wants buying here. I’ve priced my products fairly to make them as accessible as possible to those who want them, but this is also the livelihood the Lord has put me in and as He says, “a worker is worth their wage” – so I walk a fine line balancing between the two (one reason I mention price because often lack of funds drives people to ask for insight into making their own – but the fact is the Father provides for what He wants us to have).

I ask the Lord for every price on every product I offer, I’m not pricing them, HE is. This is why I don’t run “sales” often – because frankly I can’t afford to and also it sends the message I’m overcharging you the rest of the time, which I am not. I only do sales or specials when He says to, which is very rare. But I digress…

In my efforts to not be competitive within the body of Christ, in the past I was very free with information. Answering any and all questions thrown my way. Aside from the fact that this took an enormous amount of time, I realized me doing so was not always pleasing to God. Let me explain.

A Background Story

In a dialog with someone, they shared with me that the Lord had called them to paint silk (which is a completely different process from dyeing silk). I was excited for them and wanted to encourage them in what the Lord had called them to do, so I offered to give them some silk painting equipment I’d purchased during the early phases of Dyed4you when I was still learning to stay within the confines of what God had called me to do 😉

They were grateful and asked if when we got together I’d do a demo on silk dyeing just for fun, which I agreed to (I confess when I asked God, He never told me “yes” to do it, but because He never said “no” I did it… I learned that lesson well through this too! Always get the “yes”!).

After the demo, I was getting a lot of emails from this person asking for very specific dyeing information. I was literally spending hours responding (I have a teaching anointing so when I do teach, I have to give details and make sure it’s clear). I spent weeks doing this and was finding myself getting more and more frustrated with each email – I suddenly realized there was no grace to do this and paused to pray and find out why. He reminded me of what the individual had been called to do… paint silk, not dye it.

So I asked via email what the Lord was speaking to them that they were to be doing (I thought perhaps He’d given a new word, and wanted to allow for that without making assumptions). The response was what startled me into some deep insight – they said that they didn’t have time to pray through all that because they had some prophetic scarves to dye before an upcoming conference where they were to be selling them.

The Lord immediately showed me that what I had done was equip someone to walk in an area that He had NOT called them to. I had equipped them to create counterfeits that some might be taken in by not realizing the difference. He made it clear that I was just as guilty as this person walking outside His will because I had made them able to do it.

The Moral

Do I teach people to dye? Absolutely, but you better believe I don’t do it unless He tells me to!

Functioning in the Anointing

Anything we do not under the unction of the Lord will get burned up… none of those works will stand in His presence. As a body, if the liver decides it wants to be an eye and starts to refuse to be a liver – the whole body is deprived! We need to function in His anointing – be only where He has called us to be.

What I’ve learned is just because we can do something does NOT mean we should. I can dye cotton, but I am NOT anointed to do it, so I don’t. I can sew clothing, but I am not anointed to do it, so I don’t. So again – what is HE calling you to do.

Many people make their own flags, and I put how-tos on this site for the specific reason of assisting those who are called to do so, but there is a different anointing on something made by the hands of someone anointed to create it. It’s like comparing a master chef with a McDonalds’ employee or saying that someone with a cheap point-and-shoot camera takes pictures as well as a trained wedding photographer. There is a difference when we allow those who are called to do what they are called to do and support them in doing so.

As we see in 2 Chronicles 2 there are artisans Father calls to create for Him. I strongly believe that only those who are called to create for Him should do so. Anything created in the flesh is a counterfeit, which robs the individual creating of functioning in what they are called to (see 1 Corinthians 12 to see we are different parts of the same body and a hand cannot be an eye nor vice versa) and they are stealing from those who use the counterfeit creations because they are keeping them from using something created under the anointing of Holy Spirit.  In America especially we tend to believe we can “be whatever we want” but scripture does not support that notion.  We are only truly fulfilled if we become what He created us to be.

Who I Mentor in Dyeing

If I am going to teach someone to dye, rarely is it just a technical thing. Anybody can buy dyes and silk and try their hand at it. But If I’m going to mentor them, it’s about a relationship. Learning how to flow in prophetic dyeing – hearing what He’s saying, not controlling the word, avoiding analysis paralysis, waiting on His timing, etc. It’s not a quick thing and I don’t spend the time lightly.

To date the only people He has released me to teach are people I am already in relationship with. I don’t really expect this to change because how can I know if I am being a good steward and only passing what’s been given to another good steward if I don’t know them? Relationship is key.

If you feel like God’s talking to you about prophetic dyeing, you’re welcome to ask me and I will pray about it. I may say no, yes, or not yet. I will want to build a relationship with you first. I may see areas that could cause you to stumble that I might encourage you to address first. Please don’t be insulted by that, it is simply me working to be a faithful steward of what the Lord has given me.

Future of Dyed4you

The Lord’s showed me that in the future there will be people dyeing for Dyed4you all over the place, not just me – Meghan – here in St Louis. I have already begun that mentorship with a few individuals and what you may not realize is that they and intercessors associated with Dyed4you frequently write the words that go with the scarves. I love to see how He flows 🙂

In Closing

Hopefully that clarifies for anyone who was curious! Again feel free to contact me if you have questions, but please be direct about what your motives are for asking and what the Lord’s saying to you. I’m not trying to hide secret recipes here, just trying to be an obedient steward and I appreciate your support in doing so! Bless you 🙂

10 thoughts on “Dyeing

  1. Meghan, Thank you for your honesty and for sharing what must’ve been a hard lesson to learn!

    I pray for continued protection and discernement over the path you and D4Y are to take.

    Guide those that intercede for you and D4Y may their hearts be open to Yah’s word for you, D4Y and themselves.

    Blessings to you Meghan!!!!!!

  2. Isn,t that the truth? I feel the same way. When I first started in my current specialty I got a lot of questions which I didn’t know how to respond. Because I answered some of those questions but without wisdom (when I didn’t know that the Holy Spirit gave us gut feelings) there is a person making counterfeits and straying from their own gifting. Now I am better equipped to answer them in an honest and wise way. A trade secret is just that, and we are only obligated to share those with those whom He requires us to share them. A person the Lord specifically told me to teach told me that she saw it as a sprinkler, we are the main hub through which the Lord is channeling our particular specialty through but we will pour out in many directions to many individuals who are in position to receive. Bless you!

  3. Meghan,

    Love the gracious, loving and clear way you laid out the boundaries the Lord is giving you as well as what a mentoring process might entail. Blessings and favor!!!

  4. God is so good! Thank you for sharing this with us, it is a good reminder to seek out our boundaries and honor those of others. Bless you for following HIM!

  5. I agree with you. I applaud you for your honesty and integrity. Some will use that as an opportunity to prositiute the gift for the dollar. Raise up the standard

  6. Good word. I have been wanting to make some flags and take them to church. Although I do worship with flags at different places when they are available for anyone who wants AND I feel led to do so, I haven’t done so at our church yet. I did sense that I was to wave a blue prayer wrap I had with me one Sunday. I sensed God was doing something amazing and different that day! I haven’t felt released to either make my own or take some to church yet and will definitely wait upon His release. Many blessings!

  7. Hi Meghan!
    Thank you for posting this. I contacted you a while back asking about your scarfs/flags thinking to buy one at the time (and I may still treat myself at some point because they are beautiful). My reason for contacting you was because of a word I was given regarding me and a particular flag. I had never considered flag waving prior to this and even immediately after the word was given, I was still not thinking that’s what God wanted me to do. However, the word would not leave me and I started doing a bit of research regarding using flags in worship and that’s how I came across your website. I have so far found it the MOST helpful for me (and have now discovered your Dyed4You Art…I am also very interested in prophetic art but that’s another story). I felt God saying I could make my own instead of buying one so I gave it a go. Now…I have no misconceptions that the flags I have made so far – (I have 3) – are anywhere near to the beauty of your ones (I am not in the least bit skilful when it comes to sewing) but, the thing about it has been the enjoyment and blessing I have had, asking God about them and most particularly, using them!!!!! It has been amazing! Never in my Christian walk would I ever have seen me doing this and I find it a bit scary at times (being a reserved Scottish lass) but God has asked me to do it (as a personal thing I must add – not for selling), so I said yes!!! Your flags are beautiful to watch and most certainly showed me that this is a wonderful way to worship God so I just wanted to say thank you – what a blessing!! I pray you continue to be blessed by the many, many testimonies posted on your site showing how God uses you to pass on His blessings!

  8. @Carolynda – So glad to hear you have been blessed by what we’ve shared, and glad you were obedient and blessed by the fruit of that! The Lord is SO good 🙂

    Happy worshiping!

  9. Many people will covet your giftings and even try to copy them but what God has poured into you ,cannot be copied. Lord continue to speak to her and take her into a deeper anointing of her hands and her one on one with the piece and the Holy Spirit.

  10. Very wise and well put, Meghan. Thank you for such insight! It blesses my heart to know how much prayer and thought that you put into everything. You are truly a woman seeking after Abba’s heart. May we all be more mindful of what He wants and sensitive to His desires and timing for ourselves and in respect to others that we impact.

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