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Rainbow Flag

A new creation from last night – a special order sized 55×108″ flag!  Though I made it for myself, I think I may have lost it to my hubby – he was enjoying it so much! LOL 🙂

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23 thoughts on “Rainbow Flag

  1. So beautiful!! I love when we worship in the creative arts, but there is something when a man “claims territory” with his standard. This blessed me because I also have rainbow ribbon streamers and they look just like that banner!! Its a different kind of material! I havent mastered them, yet. I am in shock how they are both the same colors! I tell you he amazes me all the time!

  2. Beautiful! You may be right!!! He seems like he had an awesome time. I love seeing what you can do with dye and silk!

  3. I love the LARGE flags, they are definitely my favorite and when I get a chance to use my large rainbow worship banner it just brings such great joy and happiness and peace. I pray your husband and you as well use that flag to remind everyone of Gods promises and how they are all for us, every promise through His Word has a purpose or an impact in and on our life. It reminds us to embrace His Word and to seek Him out and to know who we are in Christ and His expectations of who we should be.

  4. That is beautiful, and made me cry. What a great and awesome covenant keeping God we have. He has kept His rainbow promise and He will keep His promises to me!

  5. Stunning. Reminded too of God’s promises. He is so faithful.

  6. ♥ IT!!!! Such Beauty!!!! I love how it moves so freely, Gorgous!!!! May have to add this to my list for my Grand daughter~maybe a smaller size 🙂 She just ♥’s Rainbows and always reminds us of what it means 🙂

  7. *SCREAMS AND POINTS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. love it, love it. Going to have to add this to my list of flags, wings, swing flags that I want. I love to use my flags at church. Can hardly wait to get the one I won from you. Not sure if I want a dowel or a crappie pole for it They are all so beautiful I’d almost like one of each color/meaning for use with different songs.

  9. very beautiful. Abba sent me rainbows every time I got very sad when my dad passed, along with a special song, I love rainbows, His awesome promises.

  10. I loved it!!! Especially the way it flowed so gracefully through the air.

  11. Awesome

  12. What a beautiful flag! Our church has a low ceiling, so non of my flags can be used on long poles like that. I love how the light shows through, and how beautifully it moves. I, like many others who have left a comment, have a rainbow flag as well, but had to double the material to get the intensity of color. The silk seem to “float” through the air; so graceful. I love the rainbow because it not only speaks of His covenant with us, but represents His “glory attributes” in us, as well. It must make us look like double-rainbow glory swirls to Him as we dance before Him! Thank you for your continuing creations which are going into all the world to bring Him glory!

  13. Haha yup, you lost it Megs hehe looks like you’ll need to make another. He looks like he just “owned” that one. What was the inspiration for this one, what was on your heart specifically with this one?

  14. @Melissa – Just a reminder, PLEASE do not call me Megs (or any variation of Meg) –

    The inspiration was the swing flags I used in the how-to video ( I’ve LOVED those but kept wanting a bigger version and so when Allen needed a flag for the Feast of Trumpets… well, it made a good excuse 😉

  15. Had to watch it again today…. rather stressful day. And this is what I heard.

    I wrap you up in Me, My little one.
    I wrap you up in Me, My child.
    I wrap you up in Me, My daughter.
    Safe, safe, safe, in Me.
    Secure, secure, secure, in Me.
    Loved, loved, loved, My beloved, in Me.
    Breathe Me in.
    Breathe Me out.

  16. @Meghan Wow, Meghan is definitely the better name for you!

    Hrm Feast of Trumpets eh? I’ve not done too much research into Jewish feasts, now you got me curious. I was actually wondering what took place at the feast of the First Fruits. I know it’s right after passover so probably Resurrection Sunday. When I look at that flag it reminds me of that.

    @Tonia that’s an absolutely beautiful poem, so restful!

  17. @Melissa – On the name, thank you 🙂

    We actually missed celebrating first fruits this year, so I’ll tell you next spring 😉 Until recently I didn’t understand that the Hebrew feasts are for ALL of Israel (included those who are grafted in) not just the tribe of Judah. We’ve lost a lot of context and history by continuing along paths set by church forefathers without taking time to decide if those paths were right and aligned with scripture. The more Hebrew I learn (and so far it’s not much) and the more I learn about the Hebraic mindset (rather than the Greek mindset which is largely how Americans think), the more depth I find in the word and the more understanding I’m getting. The Lord desires to be very clear with us, but Greek mindset keeps us very satisfied with fuzzy philosophical ideas that leave people executing specifics according to their own personal idea of what’s right rather than allowing the Lord via scripture to tell us…. anyhow, apparently you’ve hit a topic I’m passionate about – LOL! I feel myself going into preach mode!!! I’ll stop – for the moment anyhow 😉 Bless you!

  18. @Tonia – LOVE IT!!! <3

  19. Meghan I know what ya mean I hit something I’m passionate about I get my preach on 😛 So far I’ve looked into the feasts and the feast of first fruits was right after passover AND incidentally indicative of Jesus being the first fruits. Noah’s Ark apparently landed during the same time period of the feast of first fruits on Mount Ararat which there is some really neat significance in the name Ararat (“the curse reversed: precipitation of curse” Strongs H780) so yea I’m like BAM Jesus bore the curse for us on the cross and His being raised again is proof. Anyways I thought you might like that tid bit. I’d better stop before I get ahead of myself rofl

  20. Meghan see what happens you bless us with this video of your beautiful flag and I get reminded of the beauty of this new covenant in Jesus haha Papa bless you richly sis!

  21. you guys have the perfect living room for flags! see how God moved you into and has kept you in the perfect place?! love it when a man flags. even in the softness of silk is strength. kinda like God, ya know? i love the promise pouring out from heaven thru the silk … the Maker blessing the maker of the silk by the promise in who is flying the flag. way cool. the “mom”

  22. I am new to your site – recomended by a friend – but I have started looking at your flags/scarevs and am praying what to get.

    That Rainbow is absolutesly amazing, especially in the sun light. And you are right … I think he was just having ever so much fun with that raibow.

    (Now if i could only spell today …..hhmmmm…LOL)

  23. I loved watching this rainbow banner float. And I agree with Donna that there is strength even though there is fluid softness. It does remind me of Him. His silken yet strong hands that hold us…. AMAZING! I love how the colors seem to fade in and out through the sunlight pouring in the window. It’s just beautiful! I think you did a lovely job creating it!

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