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Revealing the Word

It’s fun to see with the silks how the Lord speaks through them over time. This is a great example of one that increased in personal meaning over time as the Lord revealed the fullness of His message to this individual. And who knows but that He is also prophesying over her about a future time when she will be better versed 😉

I had revelation today.

When I received the scarf Proclaiming the Word of God I loved it! It is completely my colors and it is beautiful. I was blown away by the scripture that goes with it, Isaiah 61. I had wanted the swing flags that were in that order to somehow reflect Isaiah 61 so when the scarf had that as a verse I was so thankful that God heard my request. “Proclaiming the Word of God” did not speak to me as much. I will confess I am not a Bible scholar. I can not tell you where things are located in scripture and even worse I do not actually READ the Word as often as I should. I wondered how I would really be proclaiming the Word of God when I am not super versed in it to begin with!

Today I was reflecting on how much I love to prophesy over people. I love speaking things to people that they either do not know or they have heard/sensed before and hear it as a confirmation. It blesses me SO much and I am so thankful God uses me in this way. While I was pondering all of this I had a moment when I realized more about what the scarf really meant for me. I had thought that Proclaiming the Word of God really meant Proclaiming Scripture. It does fit but it is not the full picture. The other piece is about proclaiming what God is saying about a person or people. Proclaiming What God is Saying Right Now (also referred to as prophesying).

God, how fun you are.

So the scarf has a HUGE new meaning for me now.


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7 thoughts on “Revealing the Word

  1. I love this story!!! I love this story!!! Praise God!!!

    I can so relate to much of this. I to am not well versed in where to go and find things in the Bible, but i know it. If that makes sense.

    Thank you for sharing your story and my you be blessed.

    Our God is so amazing!!!

  2. Every day is a Revelation. He is the Revelation! What you have in that scarf is a “mantle”, wear it and prophesy to the world!

  3. I hate to throw another “ditto” right in there too but too! This really blessed me in several ways. First, as Tami said also, I know it but I do not do well with recall and memorizing word for word. I have even bought several systems to help with memorizing and I just never did well with it.
    The second is I am hesitant with releasing what I believe I hear from the Lord as I don’t hear it like others do. I won’t go into the whole explanation of that but this really was an encouragement to me to be more confident releasing what I see. I too am being referred back to my scarves for more revelation from time to time. Just the other night I was lamenting how I wanted some flags and He told me I didn’t even understand the ones I had! This story and it’s timing really is perfect to me! BTW, it is gorgeous and you look awesome in it!

  4. Thank you for sharing your neat testimony. I too had a recent revelation while reviewing a dream from awhile back. Amazing how God can speak to you and bless you with a word, and then reviewing it sometime later He adds more revelation and understanding.

  5. Haha I can totally relate! I’m not well versed, I have a desire to be but when it goes to hittin the word it just pffft falls flat. Greek? Hebrew? *Glazed eyes* I have noticed the same thing as you in that I’ve had words for people or encouragement for people that seem to just bubble on out freely and with it comes the word or I get a part of a phrase of a scripture, look it up and it’s so relevant! If you asked me where it was at before lookin it up I woulda looked at you like you were nuts haha

    God bless you with more and more revelation of who He is for you and for others! Jesus rocks!

  6. love this testimony on many counts. first off, I do know the Word, have been all the way thru and studied etc, however I could not give you and address to save my life. lol. Second is how the scrafs keep talking. I reread the word that comes with them at least once a week and each week the word gets a lttle deeper, means more. Things jump out that I just glossed over before. So, ditto here for me too.

  7. It is just amazing to see how G-d speaks to people. Sometimes you think you will never be heard, and then a revelation ccomes.

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