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Semicircle Wing/Voi Pair

This is a pair of 5mm semicircles with wing seams and voi weights.  I didn’t have time to move furniture to do the wings as a pair, so you see one followed by the voi pair 🙂

View semicircles / sewing services / voi weights

13 thoughts on “Semicircle Wing/Voi Pair

  1. Beautiful and I love the color!!!

  2. I’ve seen them before, but they still make me smile and say “wow”. I love the things Abba creates through your dedicated hands! Blessings! 😀

  3. @Donna – You’ve seen wing/voi pairs before, but not this style! It is new and not even named yet 🙂

  4. Wow, grace, prophecy, blood of Jesus, intimacy, and the phrase “encountering the gathering nature of the Father” and the scripture where Jesus said He would gather Israel like chicks to His bosom but they didn’t want to. Wow, I love this!

  5. It’s beautiful! It’s like in Zech 2:5 when God says He will be a wall of fire about Jerusalem….it reminds me that He will hedge me in under His protection..and how glorious it is when we are within His presence!!! In His presence is where we have peace, protection and He shares His heart and revelation with us.

  6. Melissa and Christine – love your insights.

    Meghan – another great video and beautiful silks, well done!

    Watching it, I kept seeing the twirling skirt of a flamenco dancer, so like a passionate flame being kindled.

  7. Hmmm…..thought of using these with a patriotic song on the 4th when I saw them.

  8. I love how this shape/flag type flows. It’s very relaxing, like waves.

  9. Cool!

    Someday perhaps I will own some wings! 🙂

  10. I heart voi 🙂 lol

  11. I love the flags that are bordered in the red colors. It makes me think that is the way our lifes are supposed to be. Bound and bordered in His Blood. A boundry, a hedge of protection, a covering. Beautiful Meghan. Cant wait to hear the name.

  12. @Karen – Clothed with Passion

  13. perfect name!!

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