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Swirly Swing Flags

Remember seeing the swirly swing flags on facebook?  Well this is them in motion and WOW are they neat!  Enjoy 🙂

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13 thoughts on “Swirly Swing Flags

  1. OMG! That flag! The anointing! I can hardly type this note. The power of God is all oveer that flag! How much? ($) ~m

  2. These swing flags are very amazing. Blessing to the home they are going to.

  3. I am so blessed to be the owner of these amazing tools from God! Thank you so much Meghan!

  4. Thanks for sharing! Just beautiful!

  5. They are amazing!!! Talking about stirring up the atmosphere! 🙂

  6. What are these called? They are beautiful and mesmerizing to watch.

  7. @Brenda – Make all things new 🙂

  8. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I realize the color is not the same, but initially looking at them I kept seeing a chocolate Yule Log (usually those are chocolate with white filing), I guess it could be chocolate and mint filing. 🙂 So it made me think of Christmas and family celebration.

  9. They definitely could clear the air and make it new! How awesome!!!

  10. they are beautiful Meghan. I see catipillars turning into butterflys with these flags. awesome.

  11. Hi Meghan ~
    What size are those?

  12. @Terry, they’re just our standard sized swing flags which are about 35×45 or so 🙂

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