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Word for the Body

This was a 22×90 8mm China Silk scarf that blessed this precious sister in Christ. I love that the word not only blessed her, but others too who were shown the word!

Thank you Meghan for the beautiful scarf.

The prophetic word is exactly what I needed right now. Not just me though, I took the scarf to church with me this weekend and showed several people the scarf and the letter… they said it was a word they needed to hear also!

In fact, one of my precious sisters asked me if I was SURE the scarf was for me… (smile)

I think actually, steadfast faith is a word our entire body needs to hear right now. I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how thankful I am for what you do.


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22 thoughts on “Word for the Body

  1. I totally agree with my sister the name alone “steadfast faith” is a word for the time we are in.

  2. Beautiful testimony 🙂

    As I was reading her story, I too felt that “Steadfast Faith” is for all of us.


  3. I love it… when I received my first scarf it was so a word for me and our congregation… we have since seen the fulfillment of the word that came with it in our congregation, we have been Redeemed and put back into service! My second scarf which is Comfort, I received a week or so after the passing of my beloved husband this September. The scarf took a wrong turn in the mail as I had ordered it before he passed and I was honestly very upset I did not get it in time to wear to his funeral… But God knew when I would really need it. As I opened the package and wrapped the scarf around me… I finally broke, I had 6 mths of tears and pain of watching my beloved die of cancer and of his passing. Thank God for your ministry and obedience Meghan!

  4. Oh my Nora! Thank you for sharing!!!

  5. Nora I don’t think the scarf took a wrong turn in the mail, I think the Father knew exactly when you would need the little extra touch. I love it when He works like that in our lives, may you be blessed beyond anything you could ever imagine.

  6. Amen to my sister Ila’s comment. I teared up while reading your post Nora. Praying continued comfort and breakthroughs into joy unexplainable.

  7. Beautiful scarf! The blue is simply amazing.

    I can relate to the word being relevant for a lot of people you know. When I got my scarf, I shared the scarf story and it’s been extremely relevant for a lot of people. It’s even been relevant for my house. I had to be careful to make sure I make it personal to me though and not just think of it as a blanket word for those around me as well as me. I needed to make sure me and Papa spent time together and it was made personal to me. Now He’s opening it up in ways I never thought, and it’s rocking me good!

    @Nora, you are in my prayers. You have seen Papa God’s hand before for you and your congregation, now you’ll see His hand again in your life as He touches and mends the broken pieces. Bless you for sharing your testimony!

  8. Steadfast Faith. Definitely a word for each of us at some point. Beautiful scarf.

  9. Beautiful testimony and scarf. Thank you for sharing this with us Meghan. And I really enjoy reading all the lovely comments.

    Nora – your in my prayers, thank you for sharing with us.

  10. Steadfast faith. That is a good reminder for me as well to hang on to something that I am asking the LORD for. I love when He has a word that can apply to so many people, it makes us feel like we are not alone. That we are not the only ones feeling that way or thinking that way. Thank you for sharing this testimony! I pray the scarf continues to bless you and the those around you!

    @Nora – Sounds like you should take a picture of your scarf because it wounds like it is its own scarf story – and a VERY powerful one. The message it sends me is that God is in control, He knows what He is doing, He is ALWAYS good, and He gets things where they are going right on time. All of which are things that I needed to hear! Thank you for sharing!! Blessings!

  11. That’s SO cool how it kept blessing!….the gift that keeps on giving! 🙂

  12. I read this post earlier today and love coming back to read what everyone else has shared.

    Nora, you are in my prayers and YES…God is in control. He knew just when you needed that scarf. He was wrapping his wings around you and He will never let you go. Blessing!

  13. I agree with Tami, it so cool to read what others have to say! 🙂

    Steadfast faith – HMMM Yes, I would say I need to hear that word too!

    @Nora, what an awesome testimony!!!! Abba (Daddy) truly knew EXCATLY when you would need that comfort and His great BIG hug! May He continue to hold you close as you go through this time of grief and healing.

    You know, my scarf (Jehovah Rohi) has been shared with many since I received it as a gift back in March. Every person that it has been wrapped around or laid over has been able to smell the green pastures and feel the healing restoration of being with Abba in the pastures.

    To me, all of this is further evidence of how the scarves, Voi, swing flags, etc. etc. and their many colors and associated words are spreading God’s love, healing, restoration, and so much more to so many across this world that is SO in need of God’s power!!!!

    Blessings to you all!


  14. It never ceases to amaze me at how intricate Papa God is. I mean think about it. Some needed a word from Papa but couldn’t order a scarf just yet, but someone does get one and that word ministers to both parties. Later down the road someone stumbles on the scarf meaning and testimony and it’s in season for them. A piece of art, and it’s in season for them.

    You might have more than one Dyed4You scarf and for some reason choose a specific color for the day to match your outfit without realizing the word attached until a friend compliments you on it and you realize the scarf you’re wearing is a testament to the word they need to hear right now in their predicament.

    Papa is in the details. Even the details of delayed packages. He knew when you would need it most, and to be honest the package was never delayed but on time to begin with 😉 all a part of the plan. He is so so remarkably good!

  15. These scriptures come to mind with this scarf:

    Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”

    1 Peter 5:8-10 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”

  16. another one where i would love to soak in it, like a bathtub.
    i scrolled through the comments and each time i stopped, my eyes rested on “steadfast faith”. that alone is a prophetic word that is speaking through the silk.

    i love your gift, meghan, so unique and beautiful.

  17. Amen! Wow, Meghan! Such a timely and right-on word. I agree with the other women, such powerhouses of faith, on this posting. I had read my email this morning before reading this D4Y post. Further confirmation from Marsha Burns with what Father has shown you:

    SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns:

    “Be free of all bondage and keep your heart pure before Me, says the Lord.  Then, you will be able to discern spiritually.  However, anything that creates darkness in your soul will cause you to dump down in the flesh and will cloud your spiritual perceptions.  Be on guard, for this is a time when seductions to choose flesh over Spirit are rampant.  Obtain and maintain purity.

    Psalms 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

  18. @ Nora: blessings, upon blessings, beautiful daughter of Yahweh. May Messiah Yeshua carry you and continually fill you with His shalom, joy unspeakable, and renew you in every way. My heart sank when I read about the passing of your husband. I started to pray…

    Father, bless my sister and bring her into Your gates with thanksgiving and into Your courts with praise as only You can Father.

    As I type, I “see” a picture of a dollar coaster car. It is as if Father is inviting you on a ride unlike the roller coaster of life, this is going to be a ride of fun and thrill with Father sitting beside you. His hand in yours. He is taking you to higher places in the spirit and butterflies will return to you–the kind that signal something good is going to happen. I hear Father saying: “Oh, Kiddo, I got you. The lavender is calming but my fragrance is true relaxation, peace, and calm that had rubbed off on you as you lay in my arms. I have given you a double portion of shalom. As Mary broke the alabastor jar and poured out over my son, He pours out His love in and on you along with My love as Your heavenly Father. Come now, daughter, there is much to show you.”


    This scripture came to mind: Psalm 92:4 (NLT):
    “You thrill me, LORD, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done.”

    I believe the Holy Spirit is releasing new gifts in you. Visiting you right on time.

    Blessings. Thank You Father for Your words of encouragement. Thank You, Jesus for all that You have done for us. Thank You, Holy Spirit for Your presence. I love you.

  19. I love this ministry and I love this community!! Every comment here is bang on, so full of grace, mercy and His Spirit.

    @Nora, I have learned in my walk with Abba, when something really really bad happens, something really really wonderful and crazy beautiful is about to happen. He makes all things new, He turns ashes into beauty and mourning into the oil of joy. I pray that as these things unfold for you, your heart will once again burst forth in joyfull anticipation of what the new day brings.

  20. The gift that keeps on giving…. yes that is what is happening…. thank you all for your kind words, prayers and oh how accurate the words are that are being released! Blessings in return to y’all! I will be going out this evening with Redeemed & my shofar to do a prayer gathering in an area of town that is in much need of His Redeeming love and grace! I will carry the words and love I feel radiating off this page with me and pass it on! Meghan thank you once again…. I pray blessings over you and yours!

  21. @Nora – Thank you 🙂 And blessings over you and yours too!

  22. What a beautiful way to receive a message from God!

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