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Worship on Mt Shasta

Someone gave this sweet lady a 5mm semicircle wing as a gift, and she was so blessed by it! It’s a style that is near and dear to my heart because of my own scarf story with it.

These pics and videos are from a trip to Mt Shasta where she was worshiping with her wing (and a second plain white one they made so she could have a pair) and Allissa with her swing flags. (And more of Allissa with the swing flags is coming later) 😉

They had church in front of the tourists and new agers who were also there. God is so beautiful and good!

The gift recipient shares her story about the silk:

Hey girl, wanted to share some cool stuff with you.

First, my wing has blessed me so much. I keep the word that came with it in my journal and review it more than any prophetic word I’ve ever received. It was spot on and exactly what the Lord is doing with me both now and still.

I carry it with me everywhere. I dance with it without the dowel and with the dowel. My passion for dance has so increased since receiving the scarf. Its like it is programmed and carries with it all of the good vibrations I pick up from worship, etc.


And here the two of them are together with the camera just sitting on the ground capturing the whole scene 🙂

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12 thoughts on “Worship on Mt Shasta

  1. Really loved some of those still shots – very beautiful!

  2. This is just Amazing!!! I love it and your Worship to Our Heavenly Father was Beautiful!!

  3. ‎”My passion for dance has so increased since receiving the scarf. Its like it is programmed and carries with it all of the good vibrations I pick up from worship, etc.”….that seriously blows me away, Meghan. I’m speechless!!!!! I mean…..seriously…..seriously!?LOL…just wow!

    Gosh what do I say…!? I mean, my spirit is on FIRE reading that, more so than the night that was birthed. Whew God is so amazing!

  4. I’ve been sitting for a few hours reading and rereading this wondering what to type because I am so speechless by this. To my dear sister in Christ, you will never know how much this testimony blessed me. I pray the passion and anointing to dance for Him increases and you continue to allow Him to flow through you in all you do. I pray your movements be how His Living waters move….freely, unhindered, unabandoned; in purity, love, joy, and boldness as it washes over wave after wave joining others who are like yourself into a force of worshipers much like the tribe of Judah. Let your stream join with others to be a mighty river of praise rushing forth and forging into enemy territory to take back stolen ground. I pray it pioneers into new levels of worship and high praise that bring God an even greater Hallelujah from the mouthes of His people and that His glory be displayed through it. Amen and amen.

  5. BTW Amanda E (comments above) is the one who wrote the word for this silk 🙂

  6. That was beautiful. I loved your testimony. Can you please tell me the title and author of the song? I loved it as well.

  7. very neat! 🙂

  8. Honestly, worship on Mt. Shasta was truly spectacular. I was so blessed to have Amanda worshiping with me. I know that her worship and dance was transformed even in the few days I was there – right before my very eyes. Amanda, “Dance on, girl. The heavens are opened under your feet and above your head when you dance. You release passion and freedom. Peace and joy. Light and life when you dance. Never stop dancing.”

    Oh! I am about to cry… woah!

    he song is ‘Fly” by Jason Upton off his CD Remember.
    I absolutely 100% recommend you watch the testimony about the song. This is a song where he has an angel sing with him. I’d explain it but Michael does it so much better. See youtube link below.

  9. Allissa, I “LOVE” the way Jason Upton tells the story!!! Such an amazing story. ♥ his music, he is so anontied.

  10. This is awesome! I’m sure some of the “new agers” were like “look at that energy and vibration” haha that totally rocks if you as a daughter of God noticed it think how much more they did and were impacted hehe! I love it! <3

  11. This just blesses me on a whole new level!

  12. I dont know how I missed this before, but I cant type very well now, weeping, weeping, what was said about the increase in dance….so true. … so true…

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