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Already Paid Voi

Just a quick video of a 35×84 voi pair called Already Paid. This is the pair you all went nuts over when I posted the picture below on Facebook 🙂 FYI the music is from Rick Pino.

View 35×84 / voi

8 thoughts on “Already Paid Voi

  1. I really like these when I first seen them…they are more beautiful being used….Thanks for sharing…I really enjoyed it 😉

  2. B- E- A- U- T- I- F- U- L !!!!!!!

  3. wow. this was primetime for me. had a really rough day and came home to this post. wonderful. Thank you Meghan!! Also love Rick Pino. Meghan have you ever heard of Johnathan David Hesler? You would love his music I think,

  4. Fire in the water, or that is what I see when I watch this video. Beautiful Meghan, I like these just to look at and they make beautiful worship flags.

  5. Hmmm. I am intrigued! I think for the first time I actually want to try these out. Curious I am.

    So beautiful. I love the uniqueness that the voi have in motion.

    Thank you for sharing!

  6. puts me in mind of the Trinity. Blue for Abba, Red for Jesus and Orange for the Holy Spirit.

  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Lord, do I LOVE these!!!! Probably one of my favorite silks I’ve seen created too 🙂 These look incredible in motion too. Whew! There is power in these!

  8. Absolutely love these colors together!

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