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Another Pair of Already Paid Voi

You may be wondering why I’m posting another video of a 35×84 voi pair called Already Paid.  The first video had the weights on the orange side which made the blue dominant when spinning. This one has blue weights so you’ll notice the orange is more dominant. I just thought it was fun for you to see how much of a difference it makes 🙂

The music is a live recording of a dear friend of mine at her church. Enjoy!  (BTW the loud crash partway through is the wind from the voi knocking a buncha papers over LOL)

View 35×84 / voi

8 thoughts on “Another Pair of Already Paid Voi

  1. Wow! What a difference!! Both are so beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing the difference. 🙂

  2. I agree with Elaine! It changes the atmosphere too….. things were really moving in the video!!!

  3. Totally agree with Elaine, so different and so beautiful. The music is a good fit for the silk too. 🙂 This is a very dramatic silk in action, love it! Thank you Meghan for sharing.

  4. The difference is huge! Love these!

  5. These are so rich looking. Reminds me of royalty.

  6. They look so different! Glad you post this other view on the Already Paid wing/voi.

  7. loved how both looked in action, love this silk.

  8. That’s crazy how 1 little difference in position can make this seem like a whole different silk. I can see the pink very well, too, which I really couldn’t in the other pair. That’s why you’re the queen of color 😉

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