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Granddaughter in Worship

Just a quick picture of Tami’s swing flag being put to good use by her granddaughter who was having a blast worshiping the Lord with it!  Please note the Dyed4you Art on the wall (here’s the testimony that went with the biggest piece) and the Dyed4you pillowcases on the bed 🙂

This is a Dyed4you room!!! 

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this little one in worship nor will it be the last I imagine 😉

View swing flags

4 thoughts on “Granddaughter in Worship

  1. defintly will not be the last 🙂

    Sure I will posting some of her with my quill flags that I will be getting soon 🙂 🙂 I am so excited!!!

  2. I can actually see the atmosphere shifting as your grandaughter worships. I totaly get excited when I see children worshipping like this. and when a child blows a shofar? brings me to my knees it so blows me away!!

  3. OH so beautiful! That picture is pure praise in motion. Thank you for sharing the photo with us. And multiplied blessings to the granddaughter.

  4. She is so blessed to be in such an atmosphere. A Dyed 4 You room at grandma’s house? YES, PLEASE!!!

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