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River of Heaven Wing/Voi Pair

This pair of 5mm semicircles with wing seams and voi weights was inspired by Rick Pino’s song I can hear the sound” – they’re named River of Heaven.

You can tell I was worn out when I demo’d these, but they were too beautiful not to share 🙂

View semicircle / sewing services / voi

12 thoughts on “River of Heaven Wing/Voi Pair

  1. Awesome and beautiful!

  2. Wow, those are amazing! Am I understanding correctly? You can use the same semicircle flag 2 different ways?.. Amazingly cool!

  3. boy, oh boy, do i got a witness with those…. my goodness.

    are you ever just amazed how Yeshua works through color? i know He touches different people in different ways… and to the world, applying a li’l color to silk (or any material, really) doesn’t make much sense in terms of being the mighty weapons they become. but these things charge the atmosphere and slay demons. love it, love it, love it!

  4. Yes exactly Van 🙂 And actually they can be worn and danced with too – so technically FOUR ways!

  5. Gorgeous! I especially liked the last part with a single voi….I could see waves!

  6. So very beautiful! Thank you Meghan for taking the time to share these lovely moments with us. 🙂

  7. way cool Meghan!! love these. and I love the tunes too. this one is also on my ipod. lol. also very much loved when your smile peeked out at us.

  8. Really pretty! It looked like water falling from a waterfall or racing down a creek bed.

  9. I agree with Christie! Mighty weapons of war!!!!!!!

  10. so pretty and soothing

  11. These are amazing- transporting to another realm!

  12. WOW! When you use these as voi’s, the effect is really like dancing waters. Amazing!!!

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