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Why it Matters Who Makes Your Flags

I am very particular not just the type of flags I use, but also by whom they are made. Obviously I have a love for the silks the Father births through me, but it occurred to me I might share why it matters who makes the flags you use.

When the tabernacle was built the Lord says of the men he selected to lead the design/creation that He had “filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs” (Ex 31:3-4).

You see anybody can construct a flag, but not just anyone is ANOINTED to do it. And when we work outside of what we’re called and anointed to do all those works get burned up – they are of the flesh. So I will not use a “flesh created” flag. I only want what is created under the unction of His spirit.

In my post on dyeing, I share that I do not operate in a competition mindset. I only want those who the Father has called to have Dyed4you silks to order from me. Even if I wanted to I could not personally create enough instruments of worship for the body of Christ! So with that said, let me tell you about a couple other ministries who have been anointed to create worship tools.

First and most obviously is Prophetic Worship Banners. As you may know, they have the copyrighted quill design and in fact they construct all the Dyed4you quills. In this video, the first pair you see is called Bride of Heaven and the second pair are the ones Nickol gifted to me at the Father’s leading that He then used to inspire the whole Dyed4you quill line.

Another individual I wanted to tell you about is Andrea York. In this video you’ll see three pairs she made for me – these use wooden dowels. The first pair is a single layer of white organza, second pair is 2 layers of the red organza, and third pair is purple organza and gold lame.

I encourage you to always pray and seek the Father on where you’re to purchase your worship tools. Anointing matters.

Happy worshiping!

Update added 8/30/13

Another anointed craftsman is Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed. She hand paints stunning flags that our friend Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners quills for her. LOVE seeing this unity and working together in the body 🙂

Below are a stunning pair of L quill flags she made me called Under His Loving Wings.

10 thoughts on “Why it Matters Who Makes Your Flags

  1. Wow. That is, I think, the most animated and dance like I have seen you Meghan. Beautiful flagging and beautiful flags. And I know this has nothing to do with anything but . . . . you are wearing a color!!!! Big smile!!! You look beautiful in purple sweet friend! Love you and your preciousness. Your smile made me smile. I could feel the joy in your heart in these.

  2. I echo Donelda! I so enjoyed watching you dance and worship with the flags….and purple looks awesome on my friend who is a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!!!

  3. She makes gorgeous simple flags! Thanks for sharing. There is a huge difference between worship flags and colorguard flags. And it is anointing!

  4. Yes the ladies are right, You look very nice in PURPLE!! I so love to watch you worship Meghan, I can see the Lord is taking you higher and higher.. BEAUTIFUL worship.

  5. i quite agree with you re who makes the flags makes a big difference. i borrowed and wielded a flag at a prophetic event. when i got done i heard the Lord say, that was nice, thank you, but that was from and for another country; get one for this region. and i had you make it. thank you!

  6. Lol ladies, I actually do wear colors, just not usually when I do demos – I don’t want to clash with the flags or distract from them 😉

    Though I confess I do prefer black with my color in my silk 🙂

  7. Thanks for sharing. I agree with all that has been said! The anointing DOES make the difference!

  8. Beautiful videos Meghan! I can just feel the joy of the Lord in both of these. And all the flags are oh so lovely. Thank you for taking the time to bless other ministries and REMINDING us to seek the Lord on our purchases…..every detail is important to Him.

  9. I really like the purple organza and gold lame.

  10. i’m so glad you brought this up!!!! I have a lot of people ask me why I don’t make my own flags, this is why!!!! the enemy is sneaky and will try to get you to step just outside of the annointing, and then it is good for nothing… IT TOTALLY MATTERS WHO MAKES THEM!!!!

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